Saturday, June 29, 2024

i would not have endorsed biden anyways. i would suggest taking a very serious look at jill stein.

however, trump really destroyed biden on foreign policy, and that's not a comment about biden's age. as a canadian that cannot vote in the american elections, my primary concern is american foreign policy. trump was clearly the better candidate on that specific issue, in terms of specific polices and ideas. the primary reason i did not endorse biden in 2020 was that i worried his foreign policy would be a disaster, and i was correct. he is going to start world war three, if he hasn't already.

however, trump is awful on immigration (i say that as i realize that biden has been more vicious than trump was, despite what trump said) and awful on climate change. the united states does not have the kind of infrastructure problems that canada has. i actually think a partial solution to canada's housing crisis could be the united states accepting a substantial percentage of the refugees that have come here, as they have the infrastructure and we don't.

i don't care about the deficit in principle, as it is a meaningless abstraction. yet, massive tax cuts are not a good idea right now, as the country needs investment in public infrastructure.