Monday, July 22, 2024

i understand that certain assholes want to ensure that politicians don't do things to reduce rent or take down property values, but there are real world consequences to that kind of greed.

i need to move.

i can't. there's nowhere to move to. 

this is creating a serious conflict between myself, my landlords and would-be tenants that want to move in and also have nowhere to move to. it's resulted in police calls. it's tying up the court system, with no end in sight. i've had to lock myself inside the house, while people sit upstairs and wait for me to leave (so they can change the locks), under threat of illegal removal. it's a mexican standoff that's been going on for over a year and could linger on for up to three or four more.

i've never missed a month of rent, and i'm legally allowed to be in the unit i've signed a lease to, the landlords just want to double it and are aggressively trying to throw me out.

it may not be much longer before these kinds of pressures lead to violence or unrest, as frustrated people need to find some way to let out their anger. we can't go on like this, something has to break.