Monday, July 22, 2024

the media is wondering if some of the status quo governors - some of whom are actually very unpopular, like gavin newsom - might try to take a run at kamala harris.

what would be the point of that? they're just different faces on the same set of pro-corporate policies.

i don't think joe biden was a very good president, but he seemed to have a relatively close relationship with bernie sanders, whether it was cynical or practical on biden's end. there's a good argument that bernie is next in line, and not kamala harris.

i'd like to see sanders take a run at the nomination, even if it's just to put some better ideas on the table, because the reality is that people didn't like harris very much in 2020 because her ideas weren't very good, and that's just going to get worse with more power. the media will like kamala harris but she's going to have a very hard time mobilizing base voters in places where she needs to win, like michigan and wisconsin, because those voters aren't going to be enthusiastic about her policies, which are going to be more "centrist" (that is, conservative) and pro-corporate than biden's.

somebody needs to take a run at her from the left and try to mobilize traditional democratic voting constituencies or trump is going to steam roll her in the end.

bernie will be more popular with younger voters than harris will be, and probably across the board, in almost every demographic. there's a reason for that and it is policy based. 

her politics suck.

running harris against trump is going to be 2016 all over again, except worse, as harris doesn't have the entrenched base that clinton had.