Monday, July 1, 2024

this is the cycle where you should vote for the greens in the united states if you always wanted to but were afraid to. the united states needs a systemic third party that will pull the democrats left, even if they rarely or never win.

the reality is that trump might be the lesser evil, right now and that he's almost certainly correct in claiming that, in the long run, biden's presidency will be seen as the worst, or one of the worst. i've made that claim myself in this space, several years ago.

i would rank trump somewhere in the middle of the pack of presidents of the last 50 years. he was nowhere near as bad as bush, jr and he was nowhere near as corrupt as reagan. whether he was better or worse than clinton in terms of actual policy is a coin toss, even if clinton can honestly and fairly blame everything on the republican senate.

biden is more near bush jr territory - economic collapse, health disasters, terrible global wars due to incompetence and mismanagement at the highest level, the perception by others and projection of abject weakness, etc. all we need is miami to sink into the ocean this summer, and we're reliving history as farce.

vote green if you want to and if you can.