Saturday, August 31, 2024

i watched the harris interview and i think she came off terribly. if the claim is that she's a cynical, flip-flopping opportunist with no clearly defined political views, she just absolutely proved it correct. i would not even consider voting for her.

but, i'm about five positions to the left of kamala harris on the spectrum and she is not trying to appeal to people like me. she is not trying to convince me to vote for her. i'm not in her potential voting demographic.

that's fine. really.

i just doubt she has the ability to generate enough conservative support and mainstream cultural excitement amongst people that are essentially apolitical in the regions that it matters, if she has no intention to generate enthusiasm on the political left, as she clearly doesn't. as mentioned previously, i think we're going to see some new swing states present themselves in this election, and that pelosi and others essentially misread bad numbers in these areas as being tied to biden when they're actually connected to a larger level of voter apathy within a system that doesn't effect any meaningful change.

if michigan - especially michigan. particularly michigan. - was a canary in 2016, the democrats didn't get it. i mean, they reacted, but they didn't understand.

expect some similar surprises, because we've seen this film before and we know how it ends.