Saturday, August 31, 2024

the reality is that, in a society where people are increasingly individualistic, increasingly disinterested in family (not just having kids, but also having parents), increasingly disillusioned by labour and increasingly disinterested in religion, the style of politics presented by harris and waltz is increasingly alienating to wide, broad swaths of the voting population, which are in the very core of what democrats need to win. this was a bad tactic 20 years ago, a worse tactic 10 years ago and a dumb tactic today.

when harris loses, everybody should blame it on nancy pelosi, and the party should ask itself why it listened to an 84 year old when she insisted an 82 year-old was too old to make decisions.

it'll be better in the long run.

the democrats need to clean house from the top down. like, they need a figurative blood bath. a liquidation sale. a viking house burning (read the sagas. that's how they do it. every time.). everything must go.