Thursday, September 19, 2024

i'm trying to understand how israel might be behind the pager attack in lebanon and coming up blank. i think a more likely suspect is the chinese, and it opens a can of worms. could they do this to american devices?

the media is speculating that they planted bombs in a production facility. that sounds ridiculous. it's a plot in a james bond film.

it is physically possible that they might be zapping them with a satellite using gps, which is why everything in the area is blowing up rather than specific targets. they would essentially be shooting out a frequency all across lebanon that causes devices of the sort to do something like vibrate, or overheat. this would be an application of quantum physics, rather than some kind of sneaky production sabotage. the israelis are currently working on replacing and expanding their iron dome with a laser system. a high frequency audio attack isn't crazy at all. 

muslims tend not to keep dogs as pets, but are there stories in lebanon about dogs freaking out at the time of the attack?

i'm more likely to lean to the idea that it's something the chinese are dropping into all kinds of devices, probably including chinese made chips and phones. the pentagon has been warning about that kind of thing for a while. if so, it's a positive signal that the chinese aren't going to tolerate terrorism in the region.