Tuesday, September 3, 2024

stages of grief:

1. denial
2. anger
3. bargaining
4. depression
5. acceptance

the israeli protesters are somewhere in stages 1-3.

from wikipedia
Bargaining – The third stage involves the hope that the individual can avoid a cause of grief. Usually, the negotiation for an extended life is made in exchange for a reformed lifestyle. People facing less serious trauma can bargain or seek compromise. Examples include the terminally ill person who "negotiates with God" to attend a daughter's wedding, an attempt to bargain for more time to live in exchange for a reformed lifestyle or a phrase such as "If I could trade their life for mine".

from the article:
at the service of Almog Sarusi, a 27-year-old who was kidnapped from the Nova music festival, his mother said: "You were sacrificed on the altar of defeating Hamas, of Rafah, of the Philadelphi Corridor. Enough, no more. Only a deal!” 

does mommy have a proposal for hamas? what does this unelected woman want to offer to hamas to save her son, on behalf of the israeli state?

in truth, she does not. she is demanding that the israeli government wave a magic wand and save her son from death at the hand of extremist subhuman terrorists seeking to extract unrealistic concessions. her demands are unreasonable and irrational, but in fact they don't even exist. she doesn't have a plan. she is merely experiencing grief and unable to process the trauma of it. biden is, unfortunately, stringing her and those like her along, because he wants to remove netanyahu from power because he's a conservative. it's a terrible policy driven by the most cynical type of partisan politics.

the united states should be bombing gaza and helping israel to destroy hamas, itself.

hamas is the criminal and the cause of the deaths, but biden is the cause of the problem. for biden to even suggest that israel should make any concession to hamas at all is outrageous and disgusting and it really makes you wonder if he's selling weapons to iran or not.

netanyahu is on the right side of history. biden will be recorded as one of the worse presidents of all time and his disastrously stupid policy in the middle east will be a primary reason for it.

it's just a few more months before the idiot president is removed from office and while he should go directly to jail for negotiating with terrorists he certainly won't. let him die discredited and humiliated and alone, at the least.
