Saturday, May 13, 2017

while the vancover rape crisis center is ultimately doing a disservice to the people it claims it wants to help in telling somebody they're not welcome, the case strikes me as frivolous, as it was a volunteer position. and, i think that gets to the crux of the issue.

every generalization has a counter-example...

...but trans-women don't generally want to go where they're not wanted, and are usually bright enough to realize the differences.

passing these kinds of laws aren't serious answers to discrimination. most people don't have the resources to fight decades long court battles. what the article really draws attention to is the continuing bigotry that exists in the second-wave and radical feminist communities, and that's a social issue rather than a legal one. but, it's being addressed as well; most feminists today reject the second-wave.

i've never been raped. but, one day, i might be. i mean, i hope not. but, in that scenario, i'm going to go to the groups that accept me, and reject the ones that don't. that experience will repeat itself over time, leaving groups that push exclusionary policies on the outside, looking in. and, they'll complain it's not fair. but, that's how we evolve, socially.