Monday, April 20, 2020

the ford government has refused to test, thereby limiting the number of known cases to a few thousand.

but, we've had almost 600 deaths, here. the observed mortality rate in ontario is over 5%, which is nowhere close to reality.

we know, now, that the actual mortality rate is under .1%.

that would suggest that there are more than 600,000 cases in ontario, already. but, that's not the end - that's just the start.

so, the ford government's focus has been to distort the numbers by refusing to test. it seems to be afraid that it's going to face bad media if too many cases are uncovered. then, they argue that the deficit of observed cases implies the epidemic has passed, when the truth is that they just haven't tested for it.

then, they put the bad data into the model, and conclude it's not happening.

no, you fucking idiots. you're not testing...