Monday, July 8, 2024

it would appear that sean hansel is currently trying to convince law enforcement and banks that he is me by claiming his name is jessica murray.

there is nobody named jessica murray. jessica murray is a common name in real life, but it is a fake name i use on the internet. the girl in these pictures, videos etc is not actually named jessica murray.

rather, my legal name is jessica parent and that is the legal name attached to all of the media on this site. i have used the name jessica murray on the internet since ~2005 to add a layer of obfuscation to identifying me, so that people would have difficulty connecting me to my birth name, which is jason parent. as a transfemale, i did not want to be readily identified as jason parent, but i'm currently left with no option but to clarify my birth identity, because of this loser, sean hansel. i was considering changing my name to jessica murray when i got around to it, but when i legally changed my name in 2022, i changed it to jessica parent and not to jessica murray. i continue to use the name jessica murray on the internet as an obfuscating pseudonym.

i don't know how long sean has been impersonating me online for, but i am unfortunately at this point going to need to try to put sean in jail because the retard won't fuck off and go away.

i have not spoken to sean since ~2010ish, and we did not speak very frequently after ~2004ish. i have not known sean at all during the entire period i've had facebook (after 2007ish) and youtube (after 2005ish) accounts and he's had nothing to do with any of this media or any other component of my life in any abstraction or any way at all. sean was on the outside of my friend group from roughly 1998-2002ish, which was the second half of high school and the first couple of years of university. sean went to the local college, and i went to university, and we didn't stay in touch. we were never close friends.

a mutual friend named jon wanted to start a band in 2001 with himself on guitar, myself on bass and sean on vocals. i wrote a handful of demos for that project that were recorded in 2002 that i later finished as instrumental pieces, because sean's lyrics and vocals were stupid and sucked. for that reason, there are less than 10 songs in my discography with sean as a "guest vocalist". they are all currently considered to be unfinished demos, and all of them were finished as instrumental pieces. i have recently actually taken them down from my main bandcamp sites and left them only on the side project site for rabit is wolf.

jon wanted sean to sing because he thought he was fashionable. it was a marketing decision, not a musical decision. conversely, my role was intended to be as a composer/arranger/producer/musician and mostly exist in a background role, rather than be the center of attention. i would not have chosen sean as a collaborator, and the demos that exist were essentially an accident. 

jon was correct in choosing these roles as that best fitted for our personalities. sean likes being the center of attention, and i don't. while i turned out to be a pretty blonde girl when i want to be, i'm still not interested in being the focus of attention, and would have absolutely no interest in singing in a rock band; i would still prefer a production/composition role in the background.

all of the pictures and videos connected to this site on youtube, facebook, etc are of me. none of them are of sean hansel, and sean hansel is not jessica murray; jessica murray is jessica parent is jason parent, and sean hansel is somebody else. sean is not transgendered, he's a straight male that has apparently developed some kind of fetish around pretending to be me. sean has scraggly, dirty blond hair that is poorly taken care of and has never dyed it to my knowledge; i have had hair that is brown, black, orange, red, purple and sometimes blonde and i take very good care of it. my hair is currently reddish-orange and i'm planning to bleach it, soon.

sean does not actually look very much like me at all and it's actually extremely obvious that the pictures and videos are not of sean. my frequent dye jobs are just the most obvious evidence in a pile of obvious evidence. he is only fooling himself and should step away before i have to embarrass him in court.

all of the music connected to the site was written by me, none of it was written by sean. sean is not a musician. sean works in advertising/sales and is a business person.

all of the writing was written by me, none of it was written by sean. sean is an individual of below average intelligence that has few meaningful opinions and can barely spell his own name.

sean is a phony, a fraud, a fake, a liar and an imposter, and now he's also trying to be a thief. he will fail and will be punished for it.

what sean does do is play video games, a lot, and any gaming profiles with the name deathtokoalas or jessica murray may in truth be sean. they're certainly not me, ever, at all. i don't play video games and do not have profiles at gaming sites anywhere.

i do not have an in use twitter account, as i dislike the medium and interface of social media. i'd prefer to post at a blog, but i'm converting this into an offline archive and will only be publishing digests in pdf form. my only twitter account is the one on the side, with the red hair, which is intended as satire. i believe sean uses twitter, so if you're looking for an active twitter account with my identity information, it is unfortunately probably him.

i have tried to set up instagram and tiktok accounts and would like to, as i could actually use these mediums, but cannot because i don't use a mobile phone and they won't let me verify the account with my voip number. *shrug*. sean probably has accounts of these sort, and if you are looking for accounts using names attached to my identity, they are probably him. unfortunately.

the twitter, tiktok and.or instagram accounts in question would have no association with the other accounts linked to from this megasite.

i have a large number of email addresses, some with variations of the name jessica murray (or my old facebook name, jessica amber murray), and some with other names. email addresses from google or microsoft or yahoo are free and anybody can use any name they want to set up an email address. i can't tell you if sean has been using an email address with a name connected to my identity or not, but he might be. i've recently had to connect all my email addresses to my phone number to prevent attempts at identity theft and can prove which addresses are mine. somebody has been trying to steal access to my accounts, and it is a good guess that it is sean.

if you are confused about something, please contact me at and explain it to me. i would like to better understand the situation and generate evidence to use against sean, legally.

i would call on sean to move on and stop pretending to be me before it is too late and he ends up in jail for being a fucking retard. i don't want to deal with this. at all. i want him to fuck off and go away.