Saturday, May 19, 2018

so, should i be celebrating victoria day here in canada?


listen, i don't really have much to say about the queen one way or the other. about the only ritual i have attached to this day is posting the sex pistols classic somewhere or other. no future for you.

but, that is widespread, here. nobody much cares about the royal family, outside of very old tories, so old that they're starting to disappear.

the general idea on the "2-4 weekend" is that you get a case of beer - they come in cases of 24 - and go find a cottage somewhere to get drunk at. this is the canadian tradition. you're supposed to spend it arguing about hockey, too - and transitioning into the summer. but, it's frankly not really my idea of a good time. i'm not going to pretend i have access to such a cottage, but i probably wouldn't go, if i did.

if there were open air festivals around here, i might go to one. but, the victoria day weekend is actually a strangely insular thing - we interpret it as a family event, rather than a public one. it's about those cottages. as such, the bars here are actually likely to be fairly empty. the city doesn't pick up on victoria day; it actually shuts down.

on top of that, there's a local "art party" taking place that has occupied the interests of much of the local scene. that's where a lot of the city is going to be. but, i'm not generally into drinking in alleys, either - or at least not before 3:00 am. there will be a dj set, but it's more about sitting around and talking. i get that a lot of people would actually prefer that, but it's not my thing.

i checked the local venues and there's nothing much going on to get excited about.

so, i'm not going to just stay here for the sake of it. it's a fading imperial holiday that we mostly just use as an excuse to get drunk.

however, if the rain clears out late, it's possible i could just hit up phog - if i decide to go anywhere at all.