Friday, May 10, 2019

what do you really do about this?

the environment has to come before the economy, which means i'm not standing in solidarity with automotive workers that are being laid off to make way for electric vehicles. i don't want to send these people back to work manufacturing dirty, gas-guzzling suvs. so, what do you do, then?

this is a big facility, and the company is apparently losing a function for it. so, the primary concern ought to actually be in finding some kind of way to take ownership of the factory.

"you mean, you think workers should have control over their means of production?"

yeah. it's crazy, huh?

there's no use in flailing against capital, to try and save antisocial labour; it's a backwards, reactionary and conservative approach. but, that's what malatesta said, right? unions are necessary to fight against capital, but they are also inherently reactionary, inherently conservative.

once you get the factory out of the hands of the company and into the hands of the workers, the next thing to look at is how to make a more socially responsible product, like solar panels, or even electric cars. you then retrain the workers, and off you go.

but, i'm not going to cry over the demise of automotive jobs - good riddance to a destructive industry that has done enormous damage to the world we live on.