Saturday, October 31, 2020

my option for yogurt was a complete lie. why is that?

the website told me i'd get 50% of my rdi of d3 in 125 g, which made it seem like a good choice for a salad dressing base. i got there to realize i'd need 175 to get a measly 18. so, they increased the serving size and decreased the nutritional value. gotta maximize profit, i guess.


it was just no longer useful to me, so i passed.

how is the government letting them do this? don't tell me it's consumer choice - i'm a consumer, and i don't have a choice. if i could find some heavily fortified yogurt, i would buy it in large quantities. but, it no longer exists, meaning i suppose i'm being told to eat animals to get my d requirements (and my by b12 requirements). it's distressing.

they're systematically taking it out of the soy, too. the one brand that continues to fortify their products has minimal distribution, but i at least found some, and i hope they start selling more, not less.

there is a market in canada right now for fortified foods, you'll just have to find a way to get into the grocery system, which just wants to convert everything into candy. they'll be selling frosted broccoli next, just wait for it.

(i fear i gave them a bad idea)

there's also a lot of work for the next government to do in unbreaking this system, which is now slanted firmly to the benefit of producers, at the expense of consumers. i have no delusions about the usefulness of market theory to do anything except make more money for people that are already rich, so i don't expect a market to be reestablished without some help from the top. it's going to be hard times for the healthy in canada until what the sitting government has done gets undone - it's going to be harder and harder to find healthy foods.

and, what did they do, exactly? they seem to have made fortification voluntary and then watched everybody take the vitamins out, leaving 98% of the products on the shelf as processed sugar. and, they will need to be forced to put it back in, or we will have an obesity epidemic like we've yet to even imagine. 

so, i had to make a decision - i wanted some yogurt with a high vitamin d content, but there just wasn't any. this was supposed to replace some caesar dressing, which i wanted to increase the nutritional value of. and, can i find d-fortified casear, then? google doesn't help, but putting b12 & d in the salad dressing would be highly useful for vegans. what has d, b12, b5, b7 and b16 in it? the answer is....

soy milk.

well? what else is there? you'd imagine that a well put together caesar would actually have all of that - it has eggs, it has cheese, it has milk. but, nobody tells me anything of any value. 

the yogurt at least has the answers on the listing, and it's not good, so i'm going to ask around about the dressing and see what i get. for right now, i've been eating the salad with soy milk for a few weeks and it's actually quite good.

and, that basically solves everything, and at a relatively low caloric count.

speaking of which, i found 12 cartons of my light brand soy milk, which should last me until the end of november. i'm considering taking a ride around town this morning looking for another few week's worth. these cartons expire in january, but i drink through them in 2-3 days. so, i can still benefit from finding another 15 or so. i'm going to use the full fatted version for the casear base, and may ad-hoc make one myself, in the end - that way, i know what's in it. and, my casearwill have d & b12 & b5 galore! ahahahahahahah!



sorry, had to get that out. i'm having a very late breakfast, from yesterday afternoon.

other things to note:
- i caved on the salami. again: the fortification on fake meat just isn't any good anymore, and the crickets don't really work with what i want them for. the only acceptable option was these weird "artisanal" hot dogs made from less than healthy components. and, i decided that a small amount of taurine would be useful. so, stay tuned with that.
- mangoes are too expensive, straight up. so, i've reverted to raspberries. i will tweak this.
- i bought some of the yogurt i was looking at, in the end, for a vitamin a boost to replace the vector. i doubt this is permanent, but it's fine for now. it's a net decrease of about 30 calories at roughly the same cost.

so, the next update for the breakfast is going to be to finish what i was thinking, which was to increase the soy milk to 400, increase the all bran to 45 g and decrease the vector to 15 g - which ended up as a mild 11 point calorie boost, but, then, i will get to these replacements.

....probably not until tonight, though.