Sunday, June 28, 2015

i agree, y'all should clear right out. i suggest mars.

if we could actually get rid of all the fucking idiot christians, i might actually praise the lord, and sing hallelujah! talk about a dream come true...

last night, i had a dream that my dead dog could talk. she told me she wished i fed her less corn. i agreed it was a shitty deal, but it's just the reality of being a dog.

+deathtokoalas - YOU, MY DEAR, ARE IN A VERY SAD CONDITION - SELF-DELUSION AND DEMONIC POSSESSION IS NOT A 'FUN PLACE' TO BE...THAT'S YOU...WE WILL PRAY FOR YOUR DELIVERANCE - FOR YOU NEED IT...Mocking Christians is not a wise endeavour...when you mock and curse Christians - you are mocking GOD...and He hears everything and will bring you to a place of, either, brokenness in Him or being crushed to powder by the weight of your ill decision...Selah...L.

+Layna8 the demons keep me company; it would be very insensitive of you to take them away.

+deathtokoalas demons destroy lives i have never seen one person claiming to be happy when living with demons soon the demonic world will burn for eternity God's word

+MrGodsking funny. i've never seen a happy christian; they're always looking forward to the apocalypse, due to how miserable they are. but, i think i get to decide whether i like the demons or not. personal autonomy and whatnot. and your religion is actually big on personal choice, whether you understand that or not.