Monday, March 19, 2018

i admitted to smoking marijuana in the past when i was doing my nexus interview.

the question was whether i've done "any drugs". i said i'd smoked some marijuana, previously.

the interviewer shrugged.

"any other drugs?"

i lied and said no.

the card showed up in the mail a few weeks later. and, i now have advanced clearance to the united states....

the point is that this is bullshit. it's all discretionary. the reality is that i'm not very scary when sober (and even less so when stoned), and that fact won out in the end.

trudeau is unlikely to face many problems, unless he applies for residency, which is not impossible. if he ends up in hollywood, he may be better off not applying for anything.

i can't believe we let all these war criminal former presidents in our own country, though. the younger bush, especially, should be arrested at the airport.