Saturday, May 22, 2021


i'm pissed off about this, clearly. this is a longstanding annoyance with government micromanagement that is going to kill me in the end if it's not reversed, but there's not a lot i can do besides eat less, so there's no use in getting upset about it. let's just try to construct the diet so it's as efficient as possible, as it comes up...

but, if have a heart attack in the mean time, i take no responsibility for it, and my blood is on the government's hands.

so, i stopped on thursday to clean and didn't really get much done. i'm in for a few days now, at least. i clearly skipped the alter-reality for the day, but i'm going to avoid getting back to the diet run through until monday and spend the weekend rebuilding the recording pc, instead.

let's catch up on the posts, at least.