Saturday, May 22, 2021


so, i'm looking at potentially shifting to injections to get my estrogen levels up, but the effects i'm looking for - like boosts in hdl and decreases in ldl - are a consequence of estrone metabolism, and simply don't happen anymore when you skip first pass.

so, i might get my serum estrogen up a little if i jump to injections, but it won't actually help with anything substantive - i'll just have more estrogen in my blood. i need the estrone up if i want the beneficial effects of hormone replacement, and that has to be done orally.

but, i can't book the surgery because of the pandemic, and i can't get access to useful oral estrogen because of property rights.

it's a complete disaster - and i'm going to end up overweight, iron deficient, with bad cholesterol and potentially with osteoporosis if it carries on for much longer.

i need to get back on brand name estrace asap - i'm going to be putting myself in major health risks if i don't, because my father's genes are defective in a dozen ways, and it's the only way around it.