Saturday, December 10, 2016

what are the polls at nowadays, anyways?

november average:

liberals 47
conservatives 28
ndp 14
greens 6
bloc 4

the liberals got about 39% in the election last year. they seem to have picked up extra support from both the conservatives and the ndp. the green party is very hard to poll and we should be very careful drawing conclusions, but i think that substantial bleed from the ndp to the greens right now makes a lot of sense.

the greens, for example, have been consistent in their opposition to nafta. and for the right reasons.

but, has the country fallen head over heels for this guy, or what? don't jump to conclusions. i'll tell you what the average voter sees when they look at the options.

1) the prime minister. cool guy. legalizing pot!
2) some lady that took stephen harper's job. but she's a temp worker.
3) that weird guy with the beard that got fired and won't leave.
4) that old lady that seems reasonable, but she'll never win, right?
5) separatists!

it's a process of elimination, guys. there's nobody on the ballot. of course he's polling at 50%.