Thursday, April 16, 2015

i think the situation is being misinterpreted. he actually seemed to be gasping for breath - i think it just surprised him.

regardless, i think that madonna just severely damaged her own career. it's eventually time for everybody to move on and everything. and it's not like she's going to need a pay day loan any time soon. but that might be the last time she's seen as relevant.

and, in all honesty, she's about the last person in the world that needs this kind of exposure.

I interpreted it the exact same way. Even if he was disgusted he wouldn't have said anything publicly, and he damn sure isn't going to insult her on stage.

He threw something away, wiped his mouth and covered his face

+Lindsey except, he didn't. he seemed to be coughing and blowing out his nose. have you ever had water up your nostrils? that's how you react.

maybe you could accuse her of waterboarding him....
we know urban coyotes have a big enough menu to not really be that concerned about them. but, cougars are obligate carnivores. what exactly does this animal eat, generally?

i see that there are deer in this area, so my question isn't coherent. i was curious as to what an urban cougar would eat in the absence of a stable deer population...

Griffith Park Trail Cam
+deathtokoalas well, they only exist where there are deer. But, he has also been recorded eating raccoons and coyotes....but mostly deer.

+Griffith Park Trail Cam would it be correct to assume that raccoons and coyotes would be an insufficient diet, should the deer begin to disappear, or, more to the point, the cougar were to wander too far into town to be able to hunt deer?

Griffith Park Trail Cam
+deathtokoalas probably...they need a lot of protein to keep going. The mule deer population is rather large where he is so no fears of him exhausting it anytime too soon. But, there also has been little to no research on how many deer reside in Griffith Park and surrounding Hollywood Hills. I will say the population is growing (got baby deer video - check my history).
anybody else notice a passing resemblance to mao?