Thursday, November 12, 2020

this appears to quite honestly be more about incompetence than tyranny or corruption.

and, all i can really do is wait it out. 

i keep saying "they'll figure it out, eventually. right?". but, i've been waiting a long time, now, and they're not figuring it out at all - they're just further demonstrating their own ridiculous incompetence.
yeah, so whatever is going on with the youtube account seems to be connected to some kind of military and/or secret service response - they seem to be trying to force me into a proxy relationship with something downstream, and it's having severe performance consequences.

i'm left to conclude that the complete fucking dipshits really, honestly, seriously think i'm a russian spy. it's baffling, but they won't relent.

so, you read these greenwald articles and whatnot and they have this kind of assumption underlying them that we're all being lied to, that the deep state has gone haywire - they can't really believe this stuff, right?

well, why have i been under cyberattack for years now, then?

some component of these people seems to actually believe this stuff, which introduces a layer that i don't think anybody's even really contemplated. it's one thing for an intelligence apparatus to start breaking laws in a purposeful attempt to spy on it's own people - that is wrong and must be stopped, but it's at least easy to understand. it's another thing altogether when that security apparatus starts attacking civilians, and is unable to determine whether they're a threat or not.

i'm a disabled transgendered person in canada that is currently working on a nutritional flow chart that i'm uploading to my blog. that hardly justifies military attention.

and, yet..
still no response from youtube.

i'm curious. really; your guess is as good as mine. i haven't the slightest idea what this is about.
maybe i should open up a a restaurant and just get these things moving on assembly: breakfast from 8:00-16:00, supper from 16:00-00:00 and eggs from 00:00-8:00.

i'd have to charge about $10.00 for breakfast.
so, i'm starting on the final run through the b8 line for the breakfast meal, and everything is perfect - except the price, which is about $1.50 more than i'd like.

i wanted it done last night; i should get very close to a post by sunrise, at least.
so, i had to sleep this morning, but i got a little done last night.

let's try the long day starting now.
they're afraid of me, for better or worse; there was no "hate speech", i'm just getting shut down as good old fashioned statist suppression.

i'm pretty sure of that, at least.

they go after me quickly and seem to think it's important to keep me quiet. so, watch this space, i guess.
just to be clear: while i haven't cross-posted everything i've posted to youtube here, i've cross-posted everything worth taking noting of. so, if i have to leave that account for dead and set up a new one, virtually everything worth keeping is already archived here.

...which is what makes it so head-scratching. why take down the fake account?

maybe they're even under some political pressure and are ultimately on my side - maybe that's the point. i dunno...

i know i'm not dropping this easily, though. 
this is truly my own dressing, isn't it?

call it j's sauce.

yeah. you know you always wanted a good helping of j's sauce, didn't you?

this is the best you'll ever get - i've been sauceless for years.

- cheddar cheese (60 g) <----get a high retinol brand, for yourself
- nutritional yeast (1 heaping tsp)  <----b vitamins. mine has b12, too.
- hulled sunflower seeds (1 tbsp)  <-----some more bs, & b5
- hulled hemp seeds (1 tbsp) <-----omega 3s
- pro-biotic yogurt (50 g)  <-------b5, etc
- full fatted soy milk (200 ml)      <----d, b12, b7, b16
- 25-30 ml of frank's red hot sauce (original) [experiment]  [more, even] <---some beta-carotene. taste.
- lime  (1, ~37 g) (chopped, with pith) <----inositol, c
- 1-2 tbsp of yellow mustard [experiment] <----just doesn't work well. maybe try just a mini tsp.
- some pasta water (1/4 cup?) <----too watery, starchy
- a dash of celery salt  <----careful. too much, and it's gross.
- a healthy amount of black pepper [experiment]
- anchovy paste for omega-3
- garlic clove  <---fresh garlic has unique nutritional properties and everybody should make time for it, including me.
just an update on the "caesar" dressing:

- cheddar cheese (60 g)
- nutritional yeast (1 heaping tsp)
- sunflower seeds (1 tbsp)
- hemp seeds (1 tbsp)
- pro-biotic yogurt (50 g)
- full fatted soy milk (200 ml)    
- 25-30 ml of frank's red hot sauce (original) [experiment]  [more, even]
- lime  (1, ~37 g) (chopped, with pith)
- 1-2 tbsp of yellow mustard [experiment] <----just doesn't work well. maybe try just a mini tsp.
- some pasta water (1/4 cup?) <----too watery, starchy
- a dash of celery salt  <----careful. too much, and it's gross.
- a healthy amount of black pepper [experiment]
- anchovy paste for omega-3
- garlic clove