it's valuable to compare the outcomes.
mexico called trump and told him to fuck off and it looks like he did. trudeau comes to trump and begs like a pathetic slave and the result is that trump told him he's going to get hit.
the canadian government is very stupid, and that's no doubt what trump deduced. trump is a bully. all bullies seek victims that are weak. we advertised weakness to the bully.
the most basic rule with bullies is that you have to stand up to them, which is what mexico did, which was the smart approach. we cowered to the bully, like fools, and he punched us in the face.
we need a government willing to stand up to donald trump. that's how you deal with him, and then he folds like a cheaply constructed hotel, like most bullies do.
the other thing to keep in mind is that canada has more to steal than mexico does. canadians think we have "shared values", but that's not what trump sees. trump sees easily plunderable wealth that can be stolen with minimal effort. what the mexicans have is labour to exploit. it's not the same thing.
we need to get our heads out of our asses and stop with the fantasy about platitudes and friendship and deal with the reality of an aggressive actor declaring war on us, before trump pulls the heads out and sticks his cock in.