Tuesday, March 5, 2019

canada did recently alter it's involvement in iraq, but the younger trudeau has not put up the kind of resistance that his father did, or chretien did. if there's something to the observation, it could explain canada's insistence on supporting the american line in venezuela....and potentially in cuba. this otherwise seems to not be in our interest.

but, i might argue the opposite point: that if trudeau is being removed, it's a part of the same policy that is trying to remove maduro.

and, as canadians, we might have to get used to losing what was at one time a privileged status in the hemisphere.

there's been big demographic shifts on both sides of the border; this history of being sibling successors of the british empire is increasingly no longer true for either one of us. as the united states becomes more hispanic, and canada becomes more asian, we're going to end up as the third wheel, as we just did in the nafta talks.

i have no evidence, or anything. just thinking out loud.

but, the ambassador seems a little out of place at the table.
the theory is that trudeau was turfed for opposing star wars, while chretien was thrown out over iraq.
it's an open secret in canada that trudeau's father was removed by reagan, and that chretien was removed by bush. diefenbaker also lost an election that some observers have suggested was triggered by jfk, but that is not the same kind of thing.

the republicans simply don't like the liberal party of canada. at all.
if the caucus were to pass a non-confidence motion, it would trigger an election.

generally, true caucus revolts in canada result in the formation of new parties rather than the removal of a sitting leader. examples include the conscription crisis of 1917 when many liberals joined the unionist government and the mulroney collapse of the early 1990s when the reform and bloc split off from the conservative party. while canada has historically had two major parties, it is also a multi-party system with either three or four or five stable factions (depending on who you ask).

that said, there are many examples of prime ministers resigning. in fact, harper was the anomaly, in that sense - chretien, mulroney, trudeau and pearson all resigned while in office. if he wins a few more elections, the younger trudeau will no doubt get pushed out, eventually.

what is unprecedented would be a resignation on such quick order. there hasn't even been a second throne speech, yet.

that said, i don't expect trudeau to have much of a chance against a real uprising, nor for it to need to splinter the party. trudeau has at times stated things like "i was offered this job", making it clear that he knows where he really exists in the party hierarchy. if the party executive decides it's time to move on, justin will have his speech ready within hours. in fact, they'll no doubt already have written it.

but, i don't actually think that this is a caucus revolt, at this time. i don't know what it is, yet - but it's not a revolt.

a question i'd like to throw out there that deserves some serious contemplation is this: why is the us ambassador deeply involved in the discussions at this point?

i suggested that it wasn't clear if this was a purge or a counter-purge. but, there is a third option.

just to have it written down here.

this appears to have been the first site, launched probably in early 1998. it was very basic - it just held some simple html files.


archive.org DOES have this site, but it's marked to hidden. and i don't know what to do about that...

the next thing that appears is a crosswinds site, initially at:


and later at


i had some kind of ralph wiggum video game or something up; i can barely even remember. it was funny. besides that, it was the same collection of simple files - a cd list, a few things about some music projects, some links to mp3.com and not much more. this was also in early 1998.

archive.org does not appear to have this archived at all. i'll need to see if i can contact the crosswinds people...

the third site that came up was at fortune city, i believe in 1999. it just carried on.


i was able to get a very small amount of that from archive.org, and think that these servers are dead. the site had been long destroyed by 2012.

the site moved to the carleton servers from there in mid 2001 and stayed there until 2006.

the site has largely been offline since 2006, but has shown up in pieces here and there. i was mostly posting to facebook from about 2009-2013, when the current system took over.

if anybody has ideas on how to find those archives, i'd be grateful.
a 503 technically means it's busy, try again later.

but, that's clearly bs.

nonetheless, let's try this...

for /l %%x in (1, 1, 99999) do (
   echo %%x
   wayback_machine_downloader -s http://chat.carleton.ca/~jparent2
yeah, so, i'm convinced that the tool i'm using is working, and it's the server that isn't. 


1) the carleton site gives out a 503, indicating the traffic isn't being allowed by the server. but, i can access it from the web portal.
2) the tripod site gives out a 403, indicating that i'm not allowed to access it - which is also what happens when i search from the web portal.
3) the crosswinds site gives out a 404, telling me that it isn't there at all. that's fine.

if i go to something like nirvana.com, though, it lets me download the snapshots.

so, everything is working the way it's supposed to.
the error is clearly site specific.

and, i've yet to find a .ca site in canada that works - not even government sites.

canada.com works.

cbc doesn't. the main carleton site doesn't. the pmo doesn't. canada.ca doesn't.

the bbc works. i tried some commercial american sites, and it's fine.

so, it's clear that the server is allowing some content to be downloaded and is denying it for others.
i'm a prison abolitionist because i'm an anarchist.

but, i recognize that we will need hospitals to house violent offenders and mentally ill people, after we've done away with prisons.

i'm a little further left than your average person. i get that.

but, i actually want to abolish the entire concept of criminal law, in favour of a purely tort based system, which is actually the system that the english used before the romans showed up. i fully reject the concept of state punishment. what i accept are the ideas of restitution and the ideas of community safety.

so, jails should not be places where people are sent for punishment, but rather places where we put people that we think pose a threat to public safety that cannot be ameliorated via reintegrative policies. it follows that jails should essentially be hospitals.

almost everything else should be dealt with via a systems of fines, reintegration policies and community service.

so, i'm not cherry-picking on this, actually. i mean, yeah, it's how the system works. but, i'm a liberal on crime - and there's a consistency on the point.
we have two perspectives, here.

1. punish the fuckers to the full extent, with the full understanding that it will have consequences, for the purposes of holding to a set of principles. this perspective demands fire & brimstone, and doesn't care what happens, so long as the evildoers are properly smitten. then they call that "justice".

2. look at the situation critically, and try to come up with a compromise that best suits everybody's interests. this perspective allows for leniency and second chances, while insisting that enumerated damages be compensated for, and lessons be properly learned. this is better referred to using terms like "restitution".

which option is "conservative", and which one is "liberal"?

we're collectively failing this test...

we don't know our right from left, any more.

i'm not interested in a principled, ethical moralism that is going to result in upholding some abstract set of rules to everybody's detriment.

what i'm interested in is pragmatic, responsible government that is willing to bend the rules in order to put forward a positive agenda.

tell the puritans to vote conservative.

and not to forget to tip at the collection plate, either.
the easiest thing to do, i think, is just to send repeated requests for a while and see what happens.
i'm convinced the waybackmachine is running an extortion operation through however many levels of abstraction.

i asked them to send me my mirrors, and they told me they don't do tech support and sent me to a paid service. that is legally equivalent to stealing a barbeque off of your front lawn and telling you to pay the mafia boss if you want it back. that's my property. there's an absolute legal obligation to return it immediately upon request.

they seem to be maintaining some kind of distance from these companies, but i'm calling bullshit on that - i'd be certain that they're operated by people close to archive.org, if not people that work directly for it.

there is a 0% chance i'm paying anybody for this. so, i went looking for some clis ( i found one over ruby, which i had to install, and one over python, which i had installed for the appspot site), and i found a constant - the server reacts well to government sites like dol.gov but throws out 503s on everything else, including big sites like the cbc.

the server is clearly blocking requests.

so, what do you do? i have a tool that seems to work, but is being blocked by the server. i own this material; that's clearly theft. do i call the cops or file a lawsuit?
will it crispr?


like jwr, she was actually a terrible minister who got demoted for good reason, and i'm not sad to see her go. i have rightly criticized her repeatedly in this space; she should also be immediately removed from caucus for immense back-stabbing and absolute dereliction. while my confidence in trudeau has never been great, i lost confidence in jane philpot many months ago.

the lottery, for example. the party had to backtrack hard on it. her comments as indigenous minister were often beneath contempt. and, she's partly responsible for the far too conservative assisted-dying bill that the courts are going to strike down.

what we have are two underperforming rookie ministers that are ganging up on a weak prime minister for getting fired from jobs they probably shouldn't have been given in the first place, and the actual lesson to learn from the fiasco: while diversity in cabinet shouldn't be such a hard thing to construct nowadays, it should not overrule merit or seniority.

the people that should really be laughing right now are the likes of joyce murray and other long term party loyalists that got passed over because they weren't the right identity.

the hard truth is that the party wouldn't be in this silly mess if it had simply made more intelligent staffing decisions to begin with.

the idiot probably wants to bring her back into cabinet.
i am absolutely baffled that jwr is not only still in caucus, but is actually running in 2019 as a liberal.

the incompetence in the pmo is just staggering.

what trudeau should do is go to her seat in the commons, hold her hand and escort her to the conservative party benches.

"here you go. these are your people. this is where you belong."

and, that is not merely hyperbole - it is ideological, as that is the essential crux of the matter at hand. the problem here is that she found herself unable to overpower her internalized conservative value systems, and mentally crossed the aisle as a result of it.

if she needs some help transporting her body to the same place that her brain exists in, the pmo should step in and help her out.

this shouldn't be an issue of resignation; it should be an issue of expulsion.

and, don't be shocked when trudeau ends up slaughtered by his own foolish naivete around making nice with the noble savages.