Sunday, February 14, 2021

if i may...

if you go far enough back - so, the period of david & solomon that chomsky briefly mentioned, or even further back to moses - what the archaeology states is that the region was a kind of backwater, to the point that real world archaeologists largely write off anything before the captivity - or a few generations before it. it's then widely understood that the area changed dramatically under the persians...

so, i thought chomsky was actually referencing the kurdish theory, and that's what the dna actually says - that the bulk of world jews today (outside of the few that stayed in israel) are genetically closer to kurds than they are to palestinians, a truth that seems to have more to do with the persian colonization, which is the event that truly changed the region. before persia, the region seems to have been ethnically and culturally phoenecian, rather than arab or jewish. what you call judaism then develops under very, very heavy iranian influence. it was under this period that the population adopted the language of aramaic. so, the language you speak of was not there, except in the temples.

there was then a period of greek hegemony, where the population absorbed grecian moral ideas, which were foundational to the construction of rabbinic judaism. the romans absorbed this, and then destroyed it. there was some jewish migration out of the region both before and after these events, and how much of it has to do with it isn't really clear. chomsky's family history is probably not entirely bunk - he's probably got some rabbinic ancestry somewhere along the way, but it would have intermarried with the local turkic and slavic groups. and, then we have yiddish. and there was spain...where neo-carthaginian patterns of migration were established, and they came full circle. everywhere they went, jews intermarried and absorbed the local gene pool.

but, most of the jews stayed put - and converted to islam. for that reason, chomsky is right: the real descendants of the historical hebrews are actually the palestinians, who adopted the identity of a greek tribe named the philistines under romanization, and then arabization. looking for jews scattered across the earth is as useful as looking for carthaginians - they're largely gone.

so, to address this guy's point about the jews being indigenous, it's not that he's wrong so much as he's confused - if you do the archaeology, what you see is how israel became arabized. that's the lesson to learn from that task - that one layer begets another. and, that the past is right in front of you.

to be clear: the karen made a horrible, bigoted transphobic statement and got the prosecutor to scream it in court. if i could get that statement, it would prove my case beyond a doubt.

but, it was removed from the transcript, and removed from the audio, somehow.

and, now the cops are telling me i can't have it - because it would be releasing evidence that could incriminate her. i need to get it via court order.

so, that's actually some progress, even if i can't get it.
so, if this thing got scrubbed, you have to wonder if it might have even gotten scrubbed by the crown, itself. 'cause, i's absurd...

it was an embarrassing moment for me, sure - but it was more embarrassing for her. or, at least, it should have been...

you could hear the air go out of the room. everybody was appalled at what they witnessed...
this wasn't some ignorant fundamentalist bigot on the street in idaho.

this was a prosecutor working for the crown, in canada.
that wasn't actually what i filed the foia for, though.

what i was actually looking for - and got - was a statement that the email address belonged to her - which contradicts the statement she made to the tribunal, that she wouldn't be representing ryan myon.
just to update on the "you're not welcome here" fiasco.

in a fit of ridiculous transphobia, the crown prosecutor (a muslim woman) made a dramatic show of pointing at me and screaming, at the top of her lungs: "your application for housing is illegitimate, and YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE!!!!".

...which made everybody in the court room kind of gasp. it was like something you'd expect to see in saudi arabia.

while her dramatic attempt to other me as an unwelcome queer failed horribly, it also seems to have been completely scrubbed. it didn't appear in the transcript (which cost me $150), and it didn't appear in the audio, which i got via court order. it was blacked out in disclosure. and, the foia request i got denied it to me under the argument that it might be used against her.

no, really, that's the argument - we can't disclose this, because it might be used against her in a case against her. i have to get it via court order...

so, i sent in a court order. and, even if the justice doesn't want to overrule the cops, it sure makes her look bad to refuse disclosure under what amounts to some kind of abstract 5th.
so, it didn't show up, but there's no comments on that video over the last three months, either.

it looks like i'm shadow banned, but it might be more like that the college has it set to approve comments, and they're a little slow about it.

i'm going to cease from getting upset for the moment.

i got my package for the karen case in on thursday, and i got a form 10 out this morning. they gave me what i was looking for, but they also gave me an opening regarding the "you're not welcome here" fiasco, which, if i could get a record of, would help me dramatically.

the way they did it sort of helps, though, because it makes it look like they're protecting her by refusing to release incriminating evidence - which is absolutely true.

i am getting fed up with the delays, though. if i don't get something soon, i'm going to have to ask the divisional court to pull it... soon as they re-open.
on second thought, the only shadow ban up to now is that parenti comment. 

or maybe that's the first one.

or maybe they undid it when i said it...

i have been systematically shut down from youtube in the past, because my discourses go viral, and they're deeply subversive - and i get it.

i'm even going to try to repost on the parenti video.
they've got me shadow-banned on youtube again - they're afraid of me engaging in discourse, and the consequences of me winning arguments in public. so, i can't post because they don't want the process of me winning debates to take place. if you flip through the lengthy discussions through here, the ones where i make my opponents look like idiots - that's what they don't want to exist.

so, i'll need to do some transferring and backposting back to here.