Wednesday, July 13, 2016

when you meet a wealthy, white girl that says "commercialize sex work. women have agency.", what that actually means is "i have enjoyed a level of privilege through my life that makes me unable to understand the widespread day-to-day scenario where people are coerced into having sex against their free will in order to satiate the greed of the rentier class."
i'm no fan of george bush. i actually think he should be publicly executed - not as deterrent, or even justice, but because his crimes are so great as to justify the vengeance. it should be televised. and, we should party afterwards. but, i think you should back off on him on this - these images suggest a man that is not entirely in control of himself.

i don't know what it is. maybe he choked on another pretzel and is suffering brain damage due to lack of oxygen. but, i don't see disrespectful there. and i don't see drunk, either. i see retarded.


look at laura. she gives it away.


if i can't dance, i don't want to be part of your revolution.


i think it's brain damage. dementia. alzheimers. if this is drug related, i think you're looking at prescription drugs.

not even a drunk would do this.
i don't think you can have this discussion unless you separate between high budget porn and exploitative porn. when people say "porn", they immediately think of what is basically a hollywood industry and just sweep the rest of it under the rug. no, the camera isn't the defining point. but, you just can't draw a parallel between somebody with a career that is making six or seven figures out of it (and has gone through planned surgery to be more competitive...) and somebody filming themselves in a hotel because they have no other way to pay their rent. it's just a crazy discussion, unless you separate out choice from coercion - which is what the law ought to be actually about.

"they keep you drugged with religion and sex and tv"

"and you think you're so clever and classless and free"

"but you're just fucking peasants as far as i can see..."

he got some concessions. it was well played. the problem is i don't believe her.

12-07-2016: swans.

show footage:


tracks worked on in this vlog: