Tuesday, October 17, 2017

i'm glad i gave myself a few days, but that didn't take as long as i feared it would.

i have a mountain of evidence to sort through, designed to question whether they're acting in good faith, which i think they clearly aren't.

i'm expecting the judge to throw the case out, if the paralegal even lets it get there.

this was a ploy cooked up to generate a settlement. there's no chance i'm going to sign on to this: the choices are that they can walk away and avoid a counter-suit, or they can go through with it and suffer the consequences.

they are not intelligent people, and i do not expect them to make a smart choice.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.
i didn't realize it at the time, but that principle had thatcher hair.

it was your typical mindless anti-science, pro-conformity conservatism that had her tell me to go sit down and be quiet and wait my turn. the test scores were clear enough, but the data was no match for her wisdom.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.
iq scores.

i've done well on these my whole life. i was identified as gifted as a kid and recommended to be skipped forward grades, although the principal stepped in and decided against it. in hindsight, the principal was a moron: she claimed that my behavioural problems suggested i should not be skipped, when any behavioural expert would have immediately realized i was acting out because i was bored. i obviously needed more stimulation, and she specifically stepped in to deny it. she was a very stupid woman and made a clearly wrong choice.

i wrote an iq test for the government of canada about ten years ago, and scored in the 99th percentile. when i showed up to the interview, the guy thought it was a typo - and i was unable to convince him that it wasn't. he'd done hundreds of interviews and never seen a score that high.

the self-identified genius, trump, vs. tyrannicalasaurus rex? i actual don't think trump does particularly poorly on an iq test. clinton was a rhodes scholar, and trump is not that, but he's not legitimately stupid like bush was, either. his iq likely comes in around average, to perhaps a tad above average. the fact that he's teetotal actually probably helps him a little, here - but he really is a reflection of your average fox watching blue collar stiff, and his iq scores will no doubt reflect this. if he wasn't born into money, he'd have been an assembly line worker somewhere. and he fucking well knows it.

what is likely to be more surprising is to learn that t. rex actually uses his sharp, pointy teeth to eat fruit - that he's about average intelligence, too.

verdict: statistically interchangeable.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.