Friday, April 15, 2016

shit hillary said vol 30

"Schools may not provide religious instruction, but they may teach about the Bible, civic values and virtue, and moral codes, as long as they remain neutral with respect to the promotion of any particular religion.

This last point is particularly important, [because religious institutions, parents, & schools share] the responsibility of helping children to develop moral values and a social conscience."

j reacts to the electricity rate hike in ontario

before i start, let me say that i think the system should be publicly owned and run at cost.

but, there's a constant in people's reaction. they don't understand why the government would have a system that doesn't incentivize conservation.

the reason is that ontario has an almost entirely clean and fully renewable grid from a combination of hydro, solar & wind, mostly [we have something like 5% on natural gas, still - and absolutely no coal at all]. our government has already put the infrastructure in place. we could have transitioned quite some time ago, if people understood the facts on the ground.

but, instead, people want to conserve. because it's drilled into their heads. by american media.

but, the real way to break through this confusing set of contradictions is to come to the following conclusion: a market for electricity is impossible. that's the scam, here. it's the thing that needs to be abolished.

see, you can't turn the hydro off and you can't store the solar or the wind. so, generation costs are static. that is, they are not altered by demand. so, you literally can't conserve. and, you can't reduce demand, either. so, you can't adjust the supply. as costs are always the same, conserving energy just creates debt that needs to be recouped over the next season.

what, then, does it mean to say that there are market rates? it means to say that the producers can arbitrarily rip you off. there can't actually be a market - because there can't be any real adjustment.

if you live in ontario, and you're just cluing into this now, you should be absolutely livid - because they've been pushing this down on us for twenty years. they told us it would decrease costs. now, many people understood. many people tried to explain. but, the argument has constantly been lost...

the solution is that we need to cut our losses and renationalize the grid - and make sure we're not so foolish as to fall for these scam artists a second time.

in the mean time? waste as much electricity as you want. it's clean. it's renewable. and, we literally can't get rid of it fast enough. and, get an electric car, already! the system is there for it. you're supposed to be tapping into it.

short of nationalization, the only way that rates will stop hiking every few months is if the utility companies can actually sell enough electricity to generate a profit.

i have some advice for young women: i think they should go to parties where there's lots of alcohol and get shitfaced, then expect everybody else to take care of them until they sober up.

Joshua Arce
How about educating the dumb jock who thinks it's okay to abuse woman. Sexual or otherwise. He talked about things one does AFTER the fact. We need prevention.

do you really think the issue is a lack of education? dumb jocks are dumb. you'd have better luck teaching a lion to become a vegetarian.

world's a rough place. gotta deal with it, or you become a casualty.

You Don't Say?
problem is most people who are sexually abusing women don't view themselves as sexually abusing women, hence why you ought to not go to parties that involve a lot of alcohol, since it inhibits good judgement like that. sounds like some of the best prevention advice available to me.

that's absolute bullshit. they know exactly what they're doing.


Alison Lauren
Sure, its common sense that it's best to avoid being somewhere you may be vulnerable, but you can't blame a girl for wanting to go out??? Why is it that girls should stay home or avoid drinking because of what could happen to them at a party?? Isn't it time teach hormonal, imbecilic boys that it's aBSOLUTELY NOT OKAY to take advantage of girls or others??? Come oN, it's 2016 not 1016

Atler the Dark
They're trying to teach them. Rape has been illegal for a long time. But rape awareness has already grown into a borderline obsession.

That's stupid, they're drunk, I would never put myself next to a drunk guy, and I'm a guy. Everybody is at danger when someone is drunk. A dudes just more likely to get his ass beat by a drunk guy than raped. Is that really worth going to a party and making a fool of yourself? A party Is a risky place when there's substances like that. You can't teach a drunk driver how to drive, so don't expect to teach a drunk man how not to rape.

do you honestly think they don't know better?

has it crossed your mind that they don't care, and they're never going to care?

does a lion shed a tear for an antelope?

world's a shitty place, kid.

Atler the Dark
Well that's a brutal way of putting it.

coming out of the 60s, there's been a lot of parents that haven't been teaching their kids about the way the world is, and it's going to require a correction in the other direction.

I honestly think he makes a good point. It's better to try to take steps to stay safe and prevent it from happening in the first place, but of course at the same time, people should be taught not to rape. No one is saying that we shouldn't.

see, you really shouldn't have to be taught not to rape, should you? that should be kind of obvious, you'd think - obvious enough that the benefit of the doubt is not worthwhile. and, it's ridiculous that there's even a discussion.

"well, nobody ever told him. how was he supposed to know?"


but, that's not what makes me so angry about this. what makes me angry about this is the absolute default of parental responsibility that comes in telling your daughter that she has nothing to fear, because she has rights.

i'm not going to blame anybody for getting raped. the premise is preposterous. but, i'll absolutely point fingers at parents for failing at their responsibility to instill a concept of healthy fear in their daughters for a world full of dangerous predators.

you can't reverse negligence. but, you can take steps to stop it from perpetuating.
but, nobody is even trying to dispute the veracity of the claim. it might be offensive to some people. but, perhaps the truth hurts?

i should be back on track by monday at the latest.

but i need to answer a question: am i going to be doing anything new?

i've been clear for years that the answer is no. & absolutely not.

i'm 35 years old, now. when i started this phase of archival and completion, i was 33. i'm past my creative period. ask yourself this question: can you think of a single interesting record made by a 30 year-old?

but i've also grown up. and i'm past the age where i want to be making music, too. my contemporary interests are in politics and political philosophy. i will be spending the rest of my life writing.

but, i do not want to leave these ideas unfinished, either. so, i am focusing on completing unfinished works. and, then i am going to be doing something else with the rest of my life.

14-04-2016: distracted by current events while archiving, but nearing the end (archiving disqus)

tracks worked on in this vlog:

j reacts to the new york democratic debate

i made it through most of the "debate". & the disqus run was the last serious archiving step. i should be able to do a quick clean up tomorrow and then get moving forwards.  i'm going to pencil myself in 4/22 as my restart date.

there's two ways to look at the debate.

if you're an informed, policy wonk type, what you'll likely walk away with, regardless of where you stand, is a clear difference in perceptions about honesty. clinton was a horrible demagogue tonight. on question after question, she distorted and deflected and misled. but, see, if you could catch her on this, you probably already had this perception of her. if you couldn't catch her in the lies? you probably fell for them.

see, i think that sanders is a very good debater. but i'm high information. and, even so, i realize that clinton is a better liar than sanders is a debater. i want to be clear about the language i'm using: i do not think that clinton is a good debater. i only concede that she is a good liar....

the dynamics of the race are such that clinton cannot gain anything from a debate. so, the question is whether bernie was able to gain anything. and, i think that, at this point, and with that performance, it's hard to see how he can break through anything. i think that he had likely already swayed everybody that he was going to sway.

there's also the issue of the closed new york primary. i do suspect that he won the votes of millions of people that are ineligible to vote. and that - supposing that the vote is fair - that may be the difference.

i don't expect to see any significant movement. but, i might suggest that you take precautions on voting day, as there's going to be a lot of very disappointed people.

you ever read this?

it’s pretty impressive, really. it’s going to take the ndp at least two years to reinvent it.