Friday, April 24, 2015

i don't understand why facebook doesn't allow a straight feed option. i *do* understand that the algorithms are meant to try and guess what i want to see, and discard what i don't; i *don't* understand why facebook thinks this is a good idea, or why it thinks there's any end point to this besides absolute failure. i'm estimating i'm getting roughly 20% of my feed, and the algorithm is giving me what i'm least interested in.

for example, it seems like the algorithm is maximizing what's closest. it's concluding that i live in canada, and windsor, so it maximizes stuff in canada/windsor and minimizes stuff in detroit/america. but i never told it to do that. and i'd never tell it TO do that. if it were up to me, i'd minimize stuff in windsor and maximize stuff in detroit - because windsor is the most boring place on earth, relative to what my interests are.

now, that's just the most obvious thing that's coming up. it also seems to want to alter the feed based on interaction. which means that if you like reading posts from a source, but don't interact much with them, then they might disappear. again, i never told it to do that. and i'd never tell it TO do that. just because i'm not clicking "like" or responding to comments doesn't mean i don't want the feed - and the idea that this makes any sense is flat idiocy.

i really need to put a call out to show organizers to get off this service. it's become entirely useless. you're not getting through to the audience you think you are. i know there's a few dedicated concert sites like eventful, but they're sparsely utilized and largely decentralized. i don't know what the answer is. but i know this has no way forward..

the answer isn't better development. there's no algorithm that's going to be useful. the answer is to stop thinking you can guess what i want in the feed, and just let me tell you. but these corporate conglomerates don't understand the idea of individualism. that's not going to happen. this is just going to get more and more absurd until people abandon it.