Tuesday, October 15, 2024

there is a conflict of narratives in defining european identity. i get it.

this is the correct narrative:

one of the things i cannot tolerate about the contemporary fake left, and do not have common ground with them on, is their negation of a secular humanist narrative. i move beyond criticism of them on this point.
islam is basically the same thing as christianity, except 10x or 100x worse.

we won this fight already.

we don't want to go back to that.
the canadian government's issue with india has a number of layers. i don't think any of them are substantive and i don't think any of them should be supported by anybody, but trudeau's party machinery thinks attacking india is going to be populist for the following reasons:

1) trudeau has failed in securing a free trade agreement with india, and is lashing out like a four year-old child that didn't get what he wanted.
2) trudeau has been criticized for a trip to india he made where he and his family put on indian clothing, like a dress rehearsal for a play or something.
3) partly due to the absence of the free trade agreement, and in a reckless act of obliviousness regarding our relationship with the americans, the liberal party is trying to curry favour with the chinese by aligning against india, and by generally trying to create problems with india.
4) sikhs are a powerful lobbying group in canada with an incredibly disproportionate amount of power. that is actually true.
5) the liberals also seem to be specifically targeting indian students and scapegoating them for the housing crisis. there is some truth to this, but it's trudeau's fault not theirs and the messaging from the liberals on the issue has some dark undertones that have to do with their polytheism, which is seen poorly by powerful sikh and muslim elements in the party.
6) there has been a growing anti-india undercurrent in upper class fake left circles for the last several years that has to do with conflicts between the invading and colonizing muslim minority in india and the indigenous hindu majority, which seeks to protect it's culture and history from encroachment by muslim and arab (and iranian) colonialism.

it's the last point that i'm interested in because i think that the west (north america and europe) should be prioritizing india as a major ally because we have an indigenous cultural overlap with india that we don't have with the middle east, africa or china in the sense that indian religion is exceedingly similar to (and in many ways exactly the same as) the indigenous european religions of the celts, germans, slavs, romans, hittites, persians and greeks. we all speak dialects of the same language and we all had similar cultural and religious beliefs; further, we are all struggling against the effects of islamo-christological imperialism and colonialization by christians and muslims of middle eastern origin. buddhism is also a force in india, and we know today it was introduced by greeks after alexander and is not ancient, as was previously thought. indian historians understand the important role that hellenism played in india in the classical period. as a westerner, it is at the core of my culture and identity to stand in solidarity with indian nationalism against the effects of islamic colonialism, and to stand in support of deislamification in india, in parallel to the ongoing but largely completed process of dechristianization in europe and america. a close cultural relationship with indigenous indian religion can help us better understand who we are, as westerners and as europeans and as decendents of european settlers. 

a big part of the reason that india is being targeted is due to the ongoing attempts by muslims to colonize it. muslims tend to have a special level of disdain for hindus. this is coming out in the diaspora politics and identity politics in the liberal party.

this tilt towards islam and in conflict with indian polytheism has powerful lobbying voices but it is not the direction that we should go in in the west as it would be undoing the dechristianization process that culminated in the french revolution, which was our final break with the past. conservatives in europe tend to get confused about this or outright deny that europe was forcibly colonized in a violent series of wars and genocides that even included crusades in france and poland, the latter during what we would generally call the age of reason (that is, extremely late), and that even included an inquisition to burn the indigenous women, who held to their indigenous customs the longest. we have already fought this war, and it was a long war, a thousand year war, and we won it. christianity has been defeated in the west. let us align not with a new christian menace in the form of islam, but with our indigenous roots in indo-european polytheism.

for that reason, i am going to come down extremely harshly on the liberals if they push this stupid fight with india for stupid reasons that are not in the interest of canada and not in the interest of western civilization.

a re-embrace of polytheism also makes sense in redesigning our culture to embrace holistic meaning in the process of decarbonization. the garden of eden, and genesis in general, is a stupid and retarding myth that has screwed up how we approach resource management and needs to be thrown in the trash. indigenous and polytheistic cultures are less likely to see humans as unique or created to control or steward and more likely to see themselves as a part of a complex ecological web that needs to co-exist in nature rather than dominate over it. we need this change of mindset, and overthrowing the patriarchal hierarchical social model in the monotheistic religions is central to getting to that point.

i'm not exactly proposing that you believe in athena or shivu or vishnu or thor as actual real things, and it's not clear how seriously that was ever actually taken. what i am proposing is that this is exactly the shift in culture we need in order to survive and an indo-european compact and alliance based on shared indigenous beliefs and value systems is likely the best vehicle to actually do it.
trump might actually even win the popular vote.

that makes no sense. the democrats have demographic dominance, but their candidates consistently suck.

israel is a strategic asset worth defending.

they should reroute money and resources from ukraine to protect israel, if necessary. yes, that is what putin wants, but it demonstrates the reality that going into ukraine was a mistake in the first place.

nato will eventually withdraw from ukraine with untold billions or trillions spent, and can only hope it hurts the russians more, which was the strategy but is an unclear outcome.

jd vance is beginning to identify himself as a classic demagogic fascist in waiting and i'm beginning to wonder if it's worth voting for harris to block him from office.

the main reason i endorsed hillary clinton in 2016 was to block pence, which didn't seem helpful, in hindsight. i'm apprehensive about falling into the same trap, but i think vance will be a more substantive pick in terms of function.

i can't understand why anybody would take a man that looks like a chimp and has the grooming etiquette of a dog seriously, but the thing about demagogues is that they're successful con artists because they find out what you want to hear and say it. i don't want to hear anything from a man like vance at all. somebody that's dealing with a mortgage they can't afford and food they can't buy might be more open to suggestion. it's the immense increase in inequality in the united states over the last five years that allows a vance to be possible.

i'm not there yet, but his ability to effortlessly produce not just bald-faced lies but incoherent bald-faced lies is very worrying. large amounts of what he says cannot be deconstructed at all because it is literally incoherent; he has a tendency of putting words together in a manner that produces no discernible meaning. this isn't hyperbole. he projects meaning between the words, but the words themselves frequently have no meaning, and if you stop to try to deconstruct it, you'll instantly run across this outcome. what?

there's enough in front of us to produce serious concern.