Tuesday, November 17, 2020

it seems like virtually all of the seaweed i'm going to find in stores here is going to be roasted and sold as junk food. i want it raw and sold as a lettuce substitute, meaning i also need it pretty cheap or not at all. they seem to want to sell it to you like a bag of chips for prices approaching that.

so, i'll keep an eye out for it...

....but i'm going to need to rely on the algae oil, regardless, because i can't get dha from the seaweed. so, i'm going to plan around that.

ok, that means the pieces are put together, then, and the post is imminent.
actually, there's enough dha in eggs by their lonesome to not worry much about pig brains, after all.

so, it looks like i have the following:

1) fruit bowl:
dha + epa - algae oil
epa - laver seaweed (also good for b5, e, c, b7 but only if a lot - check availability and price as a potential avocado sub)
epa - wakame seaweed (potentially good as a simple addition)
ala - flax seed, soy milk

2) pasta bowl:
dha + epa: anchovy paste (or fillets? or sardines, even? farmed salmon? not tuna. check cost, etc.) & 
epa - laver, maybe. wakame, maybe. check cost & availability.
ala - hemp seed, soy milk

3) eggs:
dha: eggs themselves (90 mg in two extra large normal eggs is more than 30% of 250 mg) are fine, in the broader scope.
epa:  dark chicken...?
ala - canola margarine + flax bread

i need to work out the details, tonight.

no response from the karen or her lawyer. i'll need to call in the morning.
naw, i'm just going to overpay for babyfood. that's silly.

they actually sell fruit-flavoured algae oil, and that's pretty much exactly what i actually want. so, let me go find it somewhere....

write-up is shaping up.

this is something that babyfood might be useful with.

we've ruined the ocean eco-system. i'm not going to delude myself into believing otherwise.

the ocean is no longer safe to harvest from and i won't pretend it is.

fish farming sounds like a good idea, but they just feed them grain, and it defeats the point.

i can get some epa from seaweed, and there's lots of ala in flax but dha seems to really require the consumption of brain. and, if i'm eating salami anyways, i don't see any reason to avoid the brains.

this is not imminent - i'm not ruining my fruit bowl with animal brains. i will probably get some algae oil. but, i'm preparing for it.
you want some dha, kids?

chicken brains v fish?

i'd rather eat chicken brains. 

they're also calling for funding to genetically engineer a unicorn, i hear.

a little narwhal dna could get into a horse genome with minimal fuss, right? fuck, it might already be there...

sometimes, the people with the most education are also the dumbest people in the room, and this seems to be an example of that. going to school for a long time doesn't make you smart...

rather, we need to flip the thinking over: we're completely decimating influenza. a few more months like this, and covid is the new flu. that's what is actually happening right now in reality.

doctors are prone to magical thinking, too, it seems. sadly.

to be clear: i don't support this.

but, it is a better idea than an alcohol curfew, at least, if you're concerned about actually being effective. and, if i must choose between two bad ideas, this is the least bad one.

so, i lost a lot of tabs this morning in an unwanted reboot and i'm just putting them back together again, now.

my head is....better. this type of migraine has some recovery time built into it.

the next update is going to be about polyunsaturated fats, in general. i want to make sure i'm not making bad assumptions, as i suspect i am. the "total omega-6 count" is probably not actually the same thing as the linoleic acid amount, and i probably need to fix that. once i work that out, i'll know whether i think i need any specific omega-3s or 6s, or i'm happy getting the two "essential" pufas and letting my body break it down from there. and, the only thing i can imagine doing is adding seaweed...

the last thing to do will be to figure out these different k equivalencies. it''s pretty much all plant-derived. is that actually sufficient? does it matter?

as mentioned, today is the deadline for the karen to respond to my lawsuit, so tomorrow is going to need to be a lawsuit day. i'm hoping i get through these last few vitamins before that.

so, i'm back to it and hope it's clear enough to move on within a few hours.
there is an actual genocide occurring in armenia, as we speak.

and, nobody cares - because they're not muslim.

such is the disgusting taint of identity politics, and the perverted worldview of the prime minister of this country.
this is the city that was just "given back" to the turks.

i just want to comment on a few things that people seem to think are going to be important for the next four years and i actually largely disagree with the importance of. people are taking biden seriously, and i think that's largely a mistake, based largely on the fact that his vp isn't serious. if biden loses his mind - or dies of coronavirus or whatever else - early on in his term, the country could find itself with an unserious president and in the midst of a serious crisis. 

it's not at all clear that she has any intention of following his lead at all.

what that means is that biden is really a helluva lame duck, and we're basically stuck sitting around waiting for a more serious change in direction - a change we don't at all understand, yet.

so, consider china, for example. there's some thinking that biden is going to go rogue on china, but that just strikes me as a lot of election banter...election banter that seems to have worked, btw. at the end of the day, biden represents the interests of investors, and maybe more so than most democrats. he wants cheap goods to flood the market at high prices, which means he's likely to stand with the same interests that clinton, bush & obama stood with on trade, in general. and, it might kill them in the midterms, but what are you going to do? vote republican? do you think that threat upsets them?

or, you could look at the uighurs, which a lot of conservative media publications seem to think is some kind of wedge issue. for western consumption, perhaps - for certain voters, this might be important, i'll grant that. for biden? he might see the pr carrot as some kind of leverage, at most. he doesn't care....

fwiw, he's right not to - or not to care about xinjiang as some kind of unique or special issue, anyways. i don't think we should ignore them, exactly, but we need to put it in context: china treats all of their citizens like this, they're not being singled out for particular mistreatment, and the voices suggesting that they are have ulterior motives and should be treated with skepticism. further, in the broadest of generalities, china is no doubt correct to modernize the region in vaguely the way that it's doing. criticism really ought to be minimal, and have to do with details rather than with the broader modernization goals. as a westerner, i would actually seek out voices in the region that want to modernize and welcome chinese capital, but that are interested in drawing attention to the rougher parts of what they're doing. they could be a little less harsh.

i would flat out condemn those that would leave the region behind in the dark ages and argue it's some kind of benefit to it. that's a bizarre concept of human rights. the right to malaria? the right to live in backwardsness and tyranny to religious authority? give me a fucking break. i guess the enlightenment is only for white people, or what? 

and, i don't suspect harris would grant an audience on the topic - she wouldn't even consider it a worthwhile topic of discourse.

or, you could consider iran. it's true that biden has surrounded himself with a lot of creeps and ghouls on the foreign policy file, but the days where the united states had the ability to just bomb iran are long past us. i would expect that biden is more likely to start a war than trump, but not in iran - he understands that the united states has few options, and he understands that better. there are other parts of the world that biden could and probably will get aggressive in, but the iranians are protected at the moment, and there's little threat of that flaring up any time soon. again, though - i wouldn't exactly oppose a regime change operation in iran, if it was targeted and efficient. i would oppose an occupation, but not a targeted strike to eliminate the leadership, if it worked - i'd want to be pragmatic about it, and do it in a way that opens up the region for democracy. that is the difference between iran and iraq: iran could potentially use the help to democratize, whereas iraq just crumbled on the spot. i have no love for despotic islamist regimes that torture their own citizens, and would condemn anybody standing up for them; i stand with the freethinkers, the socialists, the atheists and the feminists on the ground, not the muslim conservatives in the statist institutions.

the area i would keep an eye on is eastern europe. biden is maybe the last reaganite, and he may be the last gasp of a soviet containment policy. and, he may know it and may want to clean up the loose ends.