Wednesday, June 6, 2018

so, what's with the markets? aren't they supposed to have crashed by now?

well, they've been pretty volatile...

there's a class of traders right now with no meaningful concept of reality that is playing the market like a casino and driving up costs through speculation. but, the money is drying up, nonetheless. the longer that they artificially prop these stocks up, the harder they'll crash in the end.

wait it out.
i'm not going to write some moralized essay on the topic, or something. i don't care, really. i just think the whole thing is really gross.
if you thought i was going to see a porn star perform at a vape lounge, you've got me very wrong.

my friends tried to take me to a strip club once around my 18th birthday by surprise, like they put me in the car and didn't tell me where we were going because they knew i wouldn't have gone, but i pretended i left my id at home and sat in the car, instead.

i'm 37 years old; i've never been in a strip club.

you'd have to drug me and drag me in unconscious.
so, how do i want to do this?

on second thought, i'm going to need to sync everything up until the end of 2016 before i can release inri000, because that's when it releases in the alter-reality. yeah. & then i'm...ack....i'm going to have to catch up to where i am after all, so i can date the 1997 alter-reality posts to current posting. yeah...


i should at least be able to start writing notes in the alter-reality by the time get through 2016.

i''ll also need to start editing vlogs again once i get to mid 2017. hrmmn.

it could be a while still, after all.
i have now reached the hook-up; the music blog, while incomplete, is abler to narrate back to mid-2013.

i'm going to continue to push forward with this for the rest of the night, but i must focus on apartment hunting tomorrow.

i still have two years and counting of rebuilding to do, but the focus of the process is going to shift, because i should be able to build the final liner notes for inri000, which means i should be able to get back to the alter-reality and build notes as i go for these release, as well.

so, i'm going to be rebuilding through 2016, writing alter-reality posts and closing the liner notes on discs, simultaneously. that should start within a week or two and run until i catch up on the rebuild up to where i am at the moment i catch up.

once the alter-reality is caught up, i'll try and keep on track with it in real time. &, if i'm lucky, i should be able to get started on period 3 shortly after the move.

so, this place in the end appears to be being utilized mostly as storage. i really wish the people around me weren't revoltingly disgusting, but so be it - i'm almost back on track.

the actual purpose of what i'm doing should be more apparent fairly shortly.
i don't understand why anybody in ottawa ever thought it was worthwhile to treat donald trump as a rational actor.

do you really want to live in that fake newfie accent for the next 4+ years?


last chance to get out while you still can.
i'm going to say something else though, because i think this was a big factor last time.

polling companies categorize old people as 65+. then, they claim seniors are more likely to vote. and, i don't protest.

but, how many people on the phone are 65-80 and how many are 80+? and are people 80+ more likely to vote?

i suspect that what happened last time is that the polling firms talked to a lot of 90 year old conservatives, categorized them as seniors and then concluded that the conservatives had a big advantage - only to scratch their heads when it didn't materialize.

with life expectancies in their 80s nowadays, and data being collected over multiple generational divides and disparate living realities, pollsters need to split seniors into at least two categories, moving forwards.
i can't tell you who to vote for.

as mentioned, it seems like the ndp and liberals have switched places almost everywhere, with the possible exception of a small number of areas in the 905. but, it's a small number of areas. you'll need to work that out on your own. they should do best in areas with a lot of educated workers; this is an election between demagogues on the left and right, with smart and informed people being disenfranchised - where these people cluster are the handful of seats the liberals will win. the university ridings. the high tech sectors.

i suspect there's a "shy wynne supporter" effect at play and that the liberals will do a little better than projected. but this is impossible to quantify, and impossible to predict the effects of.

you probably want to vote ndp. or, if you're in a likely safe ndp riding and you feel talked down to by andrea horwath and her fake accent, you might want to vote green out of protest.

if the vote coalesces, the ndp will win a big majority. if it doesn't, the media strategy will have been effective, and the tories will succeed in splitting the vote.

that said, 38% should not be enough for a tory majority in ontario. they need more like 42%, because their vote is inefficiently localized in rural ridings and they tend to be uncompetitive in cities. but, they always run at the bottom of their error bars, so they're probably running close to 34-35 anyways. what that means is that the pollsters need to tell you they're running closer to 45% to be seriously worried about a tory majority.

turnout is always a wildcard, but i do not expect a tory majority, even if the vote splits badly. in the scary scenario - i'm not going to say worst case - you're going to end up with a tory minority, and horwath is going to need liberal and maybe green mps to pass a budget.

but, i remain convinced that the ndp are running ahead of the tories province wide and especially in the gta, where it matters.

substituting the ndp for the liberals, the polls are almost identical to where they were four years ago. and, the predictions are almost identical, too. everybody predicted a tory majority...

...but, the liberals won a majority in the end.

it's the ndp's turn, this time, to confound the media's right-wing bias and cheerleading for the ontario tories and frustrate them with a clear majority.

...& part of me hopes they go after the bastards that accidentally elected them.
why was he handing out flyers to kids too young to vote?
is giuliani a double agent for the democrats?
out of all the things the elder trudeau was right about, nafta is near the top of the list.
i hope that, as time goes on, the younger trudeau is able to see the wisdom in his father's politics and reorient himself towards them.
i've been opposed to nafta my whole life.

as a teenager, i marched with the unions against it.

it's at the core of my self-awareness, politically. it's one of the things that radicalized me.

the opposition to nafta was lead by the left, by the ndp (although i identified more with the liberal position, which supported actual reciprocity with the united states, but opposed the investors rights agreement that the fta was and any trilateral agreement with mexico) and by the unions and by the socialists. most of what we feared has come to fruition. so, it's disingenuous to suggest this is some kind of right-wing movement devised by donald trump.

i acknowledge there's not any easy way out. but, i've made my views here clear enough.
i don't think it should be a question of keeping mexico or ditching mexico, but a question of putting in place incentives for them to better themselves.

i'm in favour of some harsh medicine for mexico, but that doesn't have to be permanent.
it seems that i would have to rely on precedent from bc if i were to go forward with this.

i do, in fact, have a puffer from exposure to second-hand smoke as a child.
ok. i'm sure i'm up now.

15 hours of sleep.

you want to argue this isn't affecting my quality of life, my enjoyment of the property and, ultimately, my health? despite popular misconceptions to the contrary, the law is on my side here; i have all of the rights, all of the rules and all of the social norms on my side. smoking is not a right; that's an insult to the concept of rights.

it doesn't matter if you "believe" in rights or not. it matters what a judge rules. laws are not subject to personal beliefs, they're objective rules that everybody has to follow. and, it doesn't matter if you "believe" in the science underlying the action or not, either.

i don't believe in beliefs.

it's far easier for me to go after the property owners than it is to go after this woman, who appears to be a legit fucking dunce, but if i don't win the case against the landlord, i'm going to have to take her to the human rights board, directly. that's going to be time consuming, and it's going to drag on for a long time. but, somebody needs to compensate me for this rights infringement.

my understanding of the law is that there's two layers, here: the tenant-landlord layer & the human rights layer. i believe that the way the law is meant to operate on the tenant-landlord level is for me to sue the landlord, and for the landlord to recover costs by suing the other tenant, in turn (perhaps in small claims court, for negligence). but, if that fails, i'm absolutely planning to take her to human rights court and making her pay for her behaviour.

smoking inside an apartment building is no longer acceptable behaviour in the 21st century, and we all need to stand up for our rights to ensure people aren't getting away with it. i'd encourage everybody to utilize the tools available to them to crack down on inside smoking and get smokers out of residential areas and into the bars, where they belong.