Wednesday, November 20, 2024

i grew up in the 80s. i didn't watch or care about wrestling myself (i very correctly realized it was idiotically stupid), but i had to sit on the bus with little boys that did and it was actually somewhat traumatizing for some of them to learn the truth, as it unfolded.

you know wrestling is fake, right?

no! no!

they're all actors. paid. it's bullshit.

no! it's real!

i think a lot of americans are in truth like those little boys on the bus, and at some point they'll have to face the truth of it. it's been obvious since reagan, at the least. i can't comment on anything before that at this level, as i can't understand this by reading about it. trump has just utterly dropped the bullshit.

you know the elections are fake right?

no! no! they're real!
trump's tendency to pick actors, personalities and news hosts for cabinet rather than politicians or executives may perhaps suggest that he's setting up his administration like an entertainment event.

are the elections in the united states any less fake than wrestling? fake news? fake president?

on some level, what these people actually do is just read lines anyways. is being a fox news host substantively different than being the secretary of defence? shockingly, it might not be.

the open question left to answer in my view is whether trump is setting up a reality tv show to be orchestrated from the oval office, and this is all being coordinated as a form of entertainment, or if these actors and news hosts were chosen precisely because they're trustworthy agents of the deep state that will read what they're told without any push back.

it's been clear for quite a while that the real reason biden got pushed out is because he thought he knew better than the generals and he wouldn't listen. the system is designed to give the president authority, but the president is also a civilian leader, and any president that isn't retarded should know to defer; biden was clearly on an ego trip and he may have started world war three in the process. the comparisons to lbj are longstanding, but he seems to have been removed for the same reasons that kennedy was, although they did it the gentle way this time. he was unstable and not somebody that the pentagon could leave with his finger on the button.

the corollary of that is that empty suits repeating talking points is actually exactly what the pentagon wants and exactly what the pentagon has wanted for years. they don't want these civilians walking in and thinking they know better; and, clearly, almost no president has ever been qualified, and especially can't be now due to the shifts in technology since the 18th century. the last president that was qualified to be commander in chief was eisenhower.

we'll have to see how this unfolds; it's not currently clear. are these employees of the trump reality show, or were they picked because they wouldn't talk back?