Wednesday, December 25, 2019

first liner note release for inri027

somebody asked me to do this for them for a school project in the second half of grade 12, which was early 1999. we're both italian. silly joke, no offense intended.

i never saw the final version, but the guy described it to me. it was an anti drinking and driving ad (think madd) for a marketing class. they sequenced it up with shots of one of them stumbling towards a car, getting in and driving off. very clownish, apparently.

i didn't spend a lot of time on this, so i didn't charge them for it or anything. i think i was more hoping that it would float around a little, but if it did i'm not aware of it.

streamed to disk in one take on the afternoon of march 9, 1999. ripped back to wav format from cd-r in late 2013. released as a one track single on nov 21, 2013. release finalized on sept 12, 2017. first liner note released added on dec 25, 2019. as always, please use headphones.

this track appears in slightly modified form on my third record, inridiculous (inri033):

this release also includes a printable jewel case insert and will also eventually include a comprehensive package of journal entries from all phases of production (1999, 2013-2019). as of dec 25, 2019, the release includes a 4 page booklet in doc, pdf & html, with an html5 audio frontend, that includes journal entries from the remastering process over nov, 2013. 


released March 9, 1999

j - hammerhead (909 emulator), digital wave editing

first liner note release for inri016

this is something i did between inri demos. i needed a break from structured writing. just wanted to make some noise...

i suppose this is the biggest sample collage of them all, but it's best not to take it too seriously. the idea here eventually morphed into a project called "fuel true anarchy in the americas" (inri068), a play on the ftaa trade agreement, which itself got toned down in scope.

there's everything from science docs to hitler in here. it's meant to be a passive trip through real and imaginary time that is experienced with the aid of psychedelic drugs, rather than any kind of political statement. it's quite consciously absurd, often juxtaposing ironic statements with their contradictions.

the core of the ambience was produced by a program called sound raider. i then took the sound it created and shaped it by adding in vocal samples, looping certain parts, running things through effects, sequencing the noise into a more melodic shape, etc. it's consequently a sort of a collaboration between myself and the machine, rather than the work of the machine itself.

no sane person could really listen to this passively. you basically *need* drugs to get anything out of this at all.

...and i think i'm probably the only person that ever experienced it properly. hey, it's never too late...

created in the summer of 1998. released as a standalone ep on nov 16, 2013. audio permanently closed on oct 12, 2016. release finalized on oct 27, 2016. first liner not release added on dec 25, 2019. as always, please use headphones.

this track also appears on my third record, inridiculous (inri033):

this release also includes a printable jewel case insert and will also eventually include a comprehensive package of journal entries from all phases of production (1998, 2013, 2016). as of dec 25, 2019, the release includes a 5 page booklet in doc, pdf & html, with an html5 audio frontend, that includes journal entries from the remastering process over nov, 2013.


released July 1, 1998

j - sound raider, sampling, cool edit synthesis/sequencing, digital effects processing, digital wave editing, flute
gauntk9 - anti-social quip
ironically, another way to increase california's influence would be to partition it so it's a group of more homogeneous regions rather than this mess of diversity.
so, who really benefits from california moving up, then?

the answer is the people selling the advertising space.
all of the major candidates are going to be forced to spend millions and millions and millions of dollars campaigning and advertising in california.

and, if one of them is lucky, they might get to 30%.
i needed more sleep; i guess i ate too much pizza, and it knocked me out.

i'm going to try to have a long, productive day today. let's hope it works out.
no. they're missing the point.

california will not decide anything - it's too big, and too diverse. the rich, white people will vote one way, and the less wealthy latino population will vote another; the hippies will vote one way, and the tech industry will vote another; the atheists will vote one way while the religious cults vote another; etc, etc, etc.

the only way that anybody is going to sweep californiia is if they've already united the factions in the party, that is, if they've already won. it is otherwise necessarily going to split. that was the big takeaway i learned from studying this in 2016.

statements like "what california wants" are meaningless - california is too diverse to have a singular, unified opinion. what "california wants" is going to be roughly the same thing as what national polls want.

pushing the state up in the primaries consequently leaves the candidates with a frustrating problem. they can't afford to get blown out in california, and it is at least true that the smaller candidates will likely find themselves mathematically eliminated after super tuesday after they watch all those delegates slip away. but, none of them have any possibility of improving their position by doing well in the state, either, due to the diversity of the demographics. california won't help them win, but they will all need to spend lavishly to avoid losing as a consequence of doing poorly in it.

so, it doesn't really matter if california is first or last, the fact that it's certain to split in any kind of competitive race due to it's size and diversity means that it's not going to change the game. however, it is going to bankrupt basically everybody just in an attempt to keep up.

they should resign themselves to the reality of their diversity and move the primary to july.

but, do demographic trends suggest a more unitary voice for california is likely in the future? if the latino population takes over the state, it could become a force to be reckoned with, that much is true. yet, they're competing with a lot of asian immigration that is actually ideologically pretty different than it. and, california isn't likely to cease being a general magnet for all kinds of different groups.

i somehow doubt that california actually wants to become this homogeneous voice of latin-speaking political uniformity. but, short of becoming that, it's not going to exert much of a decisive influence, regardless of where you put it. it's just not possible to build the kind of coalition you need, unless you've already won, anyways.

californians need to kind of wake up to this and stop pretending otherwise.