Tuesday, January 19, 2021

i went looking for upper limits for histidine & isoleucine and found a good write-up on histidine:

ergothioneine is one of the items in the bottom list of iffy molecules. it's down there because i had previously read that humans can't synthesize it, which appears to be more of an open question than a stated fact. if we are able to synthesize it, we would synthesize it from histidine. so, i'll file that away mentally, for later - but i should be clear that humans have not been proven able to generate this amino acid, and the general opinion at this time appears to be that we can't. further, while we can absorb it, and appear to even transport it actively, and even know what codons are responsible for the transport, we don't actually know what our body does with it. it's an antioxidant in vitro, but we haven't demonstrated as much in vivo. garlic, wheat, eggs & beans are good sources for ovo-vegetarians. note that mushrooms are nutritionally useless because we can't do anything with chitin, but they are quite high in this compound (along with heavy metals and whatever else is in the shit they grow in, because they don't have an excretion system). there's a write up on this molecule here:

urocanic acid is another molecule produced by histidine in humans, which was once thought to act as a natural sunscreen to block the effects of uvb radiation on dna in the skin, but that has since been debunked. this molecule seems to react to uv light, and seems to have something to do with immune response, but it's not clear how or why. there's a write-up on this in chapter 5.2.2 (p. 98 in the text, 121 in the pdf) in this book:

this study suggests 57 mg/kg as a concern point:

upper limits:
1.5*57*50/980 ~ 435%
.5*57*50/980 = 145%

leucine is also primarily used to produce coenzyme a, as well as a specialized high energy fuel molecule used by specific organs in place of glucose, called acetoacetate. so, that should functionally act as another b5 boost, by another 5+ mg a day. i'm definitely getting my coA, afterall......

as an aside, when i did the b5 writeup i found the literature to produce an open question. humans were apparently replenishing coenzyme a even while fasting, indicating that b5 (or coA, generally) has some stores in the body, under the direction (in the literature.) that the whole point of b5 as a vitamin is that it's necessary to produce coA. that's why b5 is a vitamin - you need it for coA. or so i thought! i suggested maybe some was being stored in the liver, after all. i mean, it's not spontaneously generating - it's coming from somewhere. but, leucine & isoleucine have deep stores in the body, so that's a secondary explanation as to where the coA was coming from (in other words, i was sort of right in my deduction, and this is the answer). but, it opens the question as to how necessary b5 actually is, in the form of pantothenic acid, in the presence of sufficient leucine & isoleucine. i guess getting the rdi and then some for all three should ensure you're getting enough coA, which is something i wasn't sure about. is that part of the reason that the rdi for b5 got halved?

that said, b5 seems to be the better option for the production of coA due to blood sugar level regulation concerns and efficiency of conversion, so i wouldn't give up on b5 quite yet; conversely, i'm not getting a good answer as to why you need these specific amino acids, if you get enough b5. isoleucine deficiency is documented and apparently produces a hypoglycemia-like effect, but all the research i'm seeing is hypothetical - it "may" help produce hemoglobin, but they don't seem to know how. there actually seems to be a lot of overlap in the symptoms described by b5 & isoleucine deficiency, making you wonder if they aren't the same syndrome and what's actually happening is a broader coA deficiency. but, really the deficit of clear statements seems to suggest a deficit of basic underlying research. leucine seems to have more documented purposes, but the deficiency symptoms seem to be tied into a coA deficiency as well. this also appears to be vaguely understood at this time, but i admit that google may just be being less than useful to me. i can't find much....

while leucine has a longer list of known uses than isoleucine, i can't find any vitamin-like compounds that it acts as a precursor or cofactor in the production or metabolism of. there is a third amino acid, valine, that also seems to have the production of coA as a primary function, further blurring the necessity of vitamin b5, in absolute terms.

leucine also should have upper limits, as determined by this article:

as it's 500 mg/kg, if i set a lower limit of 50 kg,
500*50/2940 = 8.50340136054---->850%

150% of 850% is 1275%, so that's the total 36 hours upper limit.
50% of 850% is 425%, so that's the per meal upper limit.

i don't see any reason to think i'm close to these upper limits.

water - 0
raspberry - ?. raspberries have very low amounts of amino acids, low enough that nobody bothered measuring it, or that it couldn't be measured. i have not been able to find data, but it's minimal across the board.
guava -  171*.3 = 51.3
banana  -   8
strawberry  - 34  
avocado  -   214
kiwi  -  46
soy - 107*4 = 428
ice cream - 316*.825 = 260.7
yogurt - 577*.5 = 288.5
yeast - 775*5/20 = 193.75
vector cereal -  
all bran cereal -  928*.45 = 417.6
wheat bran -  928*.07 = 64.96
sunflower seeds - 1659*.08 = 132.72
flax -  1235*.12 = 148.2
algal oil -  1020*.1922*.0996 = 19.5259824
100*(51.3 + 8 + 34 + 214 + 46 + 428 + 260.7 + 288.5 + 193.75 + 417.6 + 64.96 + 132.72 + 148.2 + 19.526)/2940 = 78.4780952381 >50
the reverse argument is that iron is important in viral replication, and the beeturia may have been a consequence of temporary viral-induced anemia. whatever phytic acid was in the seeds may have been the trigger in the presence of poor iron absorption.

i dunno.

i know it's better, now.
so, i've actually doubled the amount of sunflower seeds and the beeturia hasn't come back. nor have the stomach aches. so, was that really it?

was i actually sick?

did i get a bacterial infection that's cleared?

see, it's the beeturia that strikes me as the key symptom that i have to explain by the diet, as i can't imagine suffering malabsorption of plant pigments as a consequence of a virus. how would that work? a bacterial infection makes a little more sense, if there was something parked in my gut that was messing around with things, but i'm having trouble imagining an actual mechanism besides crowding, which....like, if that was it, i must have been overrun....

there are only two items i haven't readded, yet: anchovies & yellow mustard, which was way past date and had shit growing in it, before i realized it. was it one of those things?

see, i established a crystal clear causal relationship with those seeds.

so, i'm convinced it was a contaminated batch. but, contaminated with what?
and, it's weird to see them do it, because these are often people that are critical of capitalism, in the broader scope. they argue sex is just like any other work, but then they seem to insist that libertarian market fantasies can function in sex work, when they reject it everywhere else. how can they get this so wrong?
advocates of legal prostitution simply don't understand capitalism.
capitalism is a system where workers do not have agency, by definition. 

it's delusional to pretend that you're giving workers more agency by giving them more capitalism - that's just not how capitalism functions. in capitalism, agency is held by bosses, not workers. legal capitalist prostitution would not be a counter-example to this, and the ramifications are likely to be dour, as prices crash when supply rises. 
it's sort of the same thing with slavery.

should we legalize selling one's self into slavery?

the truth is that we already do - it's called getting a job. and, abolishing wage slavery is the whole project of the left...

it has nothing to do with morality, it has everything to do with individual autonomy.
so, then do we allow prostitution? slavery?

listen, my opposition to prostitution is not moral and it's really only subject to the existing economic realities. i'm absolutely convinced that if you tried to legalize prostitution in the existing reality of hypercapitalism what you'd end up with is mcbrothels where sex workers get paid minimum wage to work in terrible conditions, and nobody wants that.

i actually honestly, legitimately think that the black market is a safer way for sex workers who truly want to be sex workers (that is, who aren't forced into it due to economic realities) to exist. i'll accept that i might be wrong, but i want to have a statistical argument about best approaches, not a moral argument about the permissiveness of the state. this is an argument about economics, not an argument about right and wrong.

further, i realize that the vast majority of actual prostitutes (not rich girls with webcams in their parents' basement or strippers with trust funds looking for a good time, but actual prostitutes out there in the real world) are not doing it out of real choice but out of a lack of real options. so, if what you're concerned about is actual agency, any changes to the laws need to be constructed to actually ensure actual agency by giving unwilling actors a way out. 

i have no patience at all for this "sex work is work" argument, as it normalizes wage slavery and upholds the marketization of everything. it's a neoliberal argument, through and through. to the extent that it is true, we need to abolish all forms of non-consensual labour, not give up and accept slavery as a fact of life.

so, yes - you want to get rid of prostitution laws, in the long run. that's not something the state should be regulating, at the end of the day. but, that's the kind of thing you do in an advanced, communist society, not in the primitive capitalist society that we currently find ourselves in; if we were to legalize prostitution tomorrow, i am convinced that the actual economic forces at play would produce the exact opposite outcome that proponents claim it would.

....because i reject market theory, and they worship it.
in canada, and in much of europe, we actually allow for assisted suicide, which takes the issue to the next level - we acknowledge there are scenarios where one human is permitted to kill another, if the one being killed makes the request.

i couldn't imagine anybody arguing that killing somebody on request isn't immoral. rather, the argument is that an individual's autonomy is the more important consideration, and if somebody wants to make the immoral choice to end their own life then they have every right to do it, because they own their own body.
people do immoral things all of the time, but we don't generally legislate against them. it's just not a sufficient condition to ban or restrict something in a free society, where we reject the idea of the state as a moral arbiter and leave those decisions to individuals, instead.

and, we decide if something ought to have rights or not by legislating it. they don't have some kind of "natural" rights or something. from where do those rights come? there's no such thing as god, obviously - obviously. so, it's clearly not coming from some kind of supernatural decree, that's ridiculous.

we can consequently decide that, while it's immoral to kill the fetus, it doesn't deserve any legal protection under the law because it doesn't fit this set of arbitrary characteristics we've decided upon.

and, if we're honest, we have to accept that this is the actual legal regime, in truth.
the unwanted editor is popping up again; i'm going to guess they've barely read anything i've written, so i need to repeat myself.

1) there are no rules of grammar. writing is individual expression, an art form, and subject to whatever form the artist wishes to produce it in. 
2) there are no rules of punctuation, and i have no interest in following dictates set by somebody else regarding punctuation. if i put a stop or a comma somewhere, it's because i want it there as a means of expression and the grammar police can fuck off.
3) while standard spelling is useful to ensure that ideas are properly expressed and confusion does not set in, the artist retains the right to spell things wrong or make up words if they decide to. it's entirely their decision, and not subject to review.
4) i do not capitalize anything at all for the reason that i am an anti-capitalist. it's a political statement, and i have no intent to reverse it.

stated tersely, i express myself however i arbitrarily decide that i want to, i don't care what the "rules" are and you can fuck off if you don't like it.
that clump of cells in your uterus is directed by different dna than you.

that means it's not a part of your body, but an independent organism. that's what the contemporary definition of life is.

now, you can argue that it's a parasite and still be consistent, but i'd advise against it if you want to win the case. and, killing a parasite is what it is.

i just don't know why the fake left has this bizarre aversion to just stating the truth of it - it's an individual rights issue. that's what the law actually says. and, if you want to maintain the right for what it is, you're going to have to grapple with it for what it is.
people get into these bizarre arguments on the topic, because they essentially don't understand the legal rulings (roe v wade in the us, or morgantaler in canada). they'll argue it's a clump of cells, or a part of the woman's body...

the bottom line is that, legally, none of that actually matters. what matters is bodily autonomy.

scientifically speaking, we understand today that life is dna, which means that the church was actually right - life should be defined at what they call conception (and what i'd call fertilization), as that's when a new combination of dna forms. that's the science, here, and it's where any debate needs to start from.

and, i find it very difficult to argue that killing something isn't immoral, except in a situation where it's necessary to prevent imminent death, which isn't true for almost all abortions.

so, if you want to argue that abortion is immoral, i won't offer much push back on it. rather, i'm going to look you in the eye and tell you that i don't give a fuck.

the moral question just simply isn't absolute, it's just one consideration, and usually the one at the very bottom of the list, after you've sorted through everything else. and, when a woman decides to make that choice, she has a lot of things to sort through, the moral questions attached to the issue generally being of minimal, if any, importance. she needs to worry about if she can afford it, she needs to ask questions about the sperm donor (and if they choose to be more than that) and she needs to ask the question of if this is how she wants to spend the rest of her life, as the child will probably outlive her if it's born. all of these questions are of far greater importance to the individual's autonomy than the morality of the issue.

and, i really think that the left needs to stop making the pseudo-scientific arguments that it makes and instead approach the issue more realistically as one where morality is of marginal importance in the decision making process, because if they keep pushing these pseudo-scientific arguments, they're going to eventually lose them.
abortion is actually a good example of a situation where morality is less important than other considerations.

i would agree entirely that abortion is completely immoral. but, i think it should be legal anyways because personal autonomy is more important than morality.

this is some creative, out-of-the-box thinking.

i think that satanism is pretty stupid and is really just a way for theists to pretend they're atheists (if you were really an atheist, you wouldn't need any of this....it's like training wheels for atheism), but this is potentially something that could be expanded upon more generally to undo an entire category of religious legislation.

in the end, you have to fight for them to stop legislating morality. in the meantime, you can make fun of their morals as you find ways around their tyranny.

marco rubio is absolutely homosexual, and it's blatantly obvious.
"but, rubio opposes gay marriage."


freud was only right about a handful of things, but the idea that homophobes are closet fags is one of them.

he comes off as queer, and confused. that's fatal, for his presidential ambitions, in the republican party.

this is what the next cycle is going to be like.

he might win if he ran as a democrat, though.
rubio's style of politics is unpopular in the contemporary republican party.

plus, he's kind of a fag.


rubio is sort of like sanders in the sense that he might win a general if you let him run, but he'll never win the primary - because republicans won't vote for him. we learned a lot about republicans four years ago, and the big takeaway is that they don't want smaller government.

i'd give cruz a better chance because he's a little crazier...

but, none of these candidates are in the right space. i'm not being facetious when i point to palin - she represents the party, and rubio doesn't.
see, what i think - and what i've argued - is that you need a third party to pull the democrats towards the centre. it won't happen, otherwise.

as is pointed out earlier in the video, that's what happened in the 30s. and, a lot of people have argued that what went wrong in the united states was that the cio-afl merged with the democrats. that was the fail point.
policemen in parallel lines.

blind, blind, blind.

but, the real threat to democracy is some buffoons in stupid costumes breaking windows and chanting slogans.

fucking idiots.

what's important right now is getting emissions under control, and if we need to tear down every country in the world in order to do it, we should celebrate it as a step forwards towards a common human identity.
i've been over this a few times, but what is a country?

and, if you look through history, there's a common thread, all over the world - a country, as we see it in the world around us, is strictly a construction of the landholding class, which is primarily rooted in family allegiances, coming out of feudalism. historically, france was the land administered by the family that owned the land we called france, and changed based on what land that family did or did not own (due to warfare, infighting or marriage alliances) at any given time. the people that lived in france were the property of that landholding class, which is why they were forced to speak the same language as it. and, so it was in england and spain and russia and the other feudal countries, if less so in the less centralized realms, like "germany" and "italy", neither of which existed throughout most of history.

what we call a nation-state arose out of that, as a reaction to it, but remains a function of it. the slow expansion of democracy following the glorious revolution in england is great and everything, and necessary to build on if we want to get to communism in the end, but the point of it all was to act as a check on the landholding classes, because getting rid of them wasn't likely any time soon. we can't lose sight of the fact that the point is to get rid of them in the end and that this compromise can't be permanent.

so, i have no love of country, no romanticization of anything and attach no purpose to upholding the interests of the landed class. true democracy requires doing away with all of this as feudalistic and backwards.
and, if i sound like an alien to you, it's just evidence of how far away the left really is, right now.
nationalism & patriotism are childish vestiges of the 19th century that actually don't have longstanding histories in human culture (they're very recent creations.) and need to be abolished and transcended in order to move forward towards a common class identity.
...and, i want you to be unpatriotic, too, and will always seek to convince you that you ought to be.

emancipate yourself - burn your flag. it's just bourgeois mind control.
i am solely in solidarity with the proletariat of the world, across artificial national divisions.

i have more in common with and more solidarity with workers in detroit than i do with bankers or doctors in windsor.
leftists see the world in terms of class, not in terms of religion or race or nationality, and seek an international revolt of the working class against the ruling bourgeoisie and underlying aristocratic elite.

we don't care about bourgeois parliaments and, if anything, seek to see them fail and burn.

so, of course i'm unpatriotic - i couldn't be a leftist otherwise.
again: i'm a leftist.

leftists don't believe in countries.

fuck nationalism. fuck patriotism. fuck tribalism. and, fuck religion, too.

imagine there's no countries.....no, really. stop for a second and imagine it. good idea, isn't it?

this one seems to be mostly used to generate coenzyme a, functionally making it a supplemental source of vitamin b5 - something i thought i wasn't getting enough of. i've set my rdi for b5 at 6 mg/meal (12 mg/day). this should add another gram or two per day.

if isoleucine is a precursor for other proteins, it's not clear what they are.

water - 0
raspberry - ?. raspberries have very low amounts of amino acids, low enough that nobody bothered measuring it, or that it couldn't be measured. i have not been able to find data, but it's minimal across the board.
guava -  93*.3 = 27.9 mg
banana  -   33 mg
strawberry  -  16 mg
avocado  -  126 mg
kiwi  -  35 mg
soy - 66*4 = 264 mg
ice cream - 195*.825 = 160.875 mg
yogurt - 313*.5 = 156.5 mg
yeast - 510*5/20 = 127.5 mg
vector cereal -  
all bran cereal -  486*.45 = 218.7 mg
wheat bran -  486*.07 = 34.02 mg
sunflower seeds - 1139*.08 = 91.12 mg
flax -  896*.12 = 107.52
algal oil -  1020*.1922*.0352 = 6.9007488
100*(27.9 + 33 + 16 + 126 + 35 + 264 + 160.875 + 156.5 + 127.5 + 218.7 + 34.02 + 91.12 + 107.52 + 6.9007)/1400 = 100.359692857

this is an essential amino acid used to create histamine and carnosine (with β-alanine, which an ovo-lacto like me will get from rna degradation. i may attempt to measure these nucleotides last, perhaps as b4-1 through b4-5), amongst other things, such as glutamate, which is used in the kreb's cycle. carnosine is only present in the diet in red meat, and it is absorbed, but the thing is that we then split it up and put it back together before we use it. as such, despite the absorption, it's actually more efficient to get carnosine this way. for that reason, carnosine is now removed from the lower list. if you want your body to produce more carnosine, you should consume more Î²-alanine, which is itself only available directly from red meat or supplements (or rna degradation for those that don't eat red meat). for that reason, vegetarians tend to have lower carnosine levels, but i'm willing to let me body deal with this.



water - 0
raspberry - ?. raspberries have very low amounts of amino acids, low enough that nobody bothered measuring it, or that it couldn't be measured. i have not been able to find data, but it's minimal across the board.
guava -  22*.3 = 6.6 mg
banana  -   91 mg
strawberry  -  12 mg
avocado  -  74 mg
kiwi  -  19 mg
soy - 35*4 = 140 mg
ice cream - 88*.825 = 72.6 mg
yogurt - 142*.5 = 71 mg
yeast - 245*5/20 = 61.25 mg
vector cereal -  ?
all bran cereal -  430*.45 = 193.5
wheat bran - 430*.07 = 30.1 mg
sunflower seeds - 632*.08 = 50.56 mg
flax - 472*.12 = 56.64 mg
algal oil -  1020*.1922*.0157 = 3.0778908 mg
(6.6 + 91 + 12 + 74 + 19 + 140 + 72.6 + 71 + 61.25 + 193.5 + 30.1 + 50.56 + 56.64 + 3.07789)/980 = 
0.89931417346 ----> 90% > 50
so, i'm not going to spend too much time getting into the specifics of each amino acid, other than to provide some kind of guess at an rdi. broadly speaking, these are the building blocks that your body uses dna as the instruction set to synthesize proteins with. there's a lot of woo around dna, but this is what dna actually does, and the truth is that it doesn't actually do much else. so, there are 20 of these; each of them will produce many types of proteins, built out of different combinations of the different amino acids. it's really just not useful to get into it too much, other than to make sure you're getting enough. your body will deal with it, completely autonomously. you'd only ever need to know the details if somebody at a school were testing you, and, even then, it would really just be for the fuck of it - you can't do anything with all of this information. i mean, i'm glad it's written down somewhere, and stored in some computer system for reference, but you simply don't need this burned into your neurons...

that said, there are also a number of vitamin-like proteins (we have discussed a few already, like taurine and glutathione) that end up produced by amino acid synthesis and i should attempt to discuss each of them in turn, as they are often the primary purpose of consuming these amino acids.

these rdis are adopted from the highest option at the following site

i'm standardizing to 70 kg, which is more than i've ever weighed in my life. my range is more along the lines of 55-65 kg. 70/60 > 115%. so, by setting it to to 70 kg, i'm ensuring that i'm getting more than enough. as such, i don't feel the need to go over the limits too much.

so, the per meals will be 50% and the totals will be 150%, across the board.

expect a great big post with all of 'em that goes over all of the vitamin-like proteins, as well.