Monday, June 8, 2020

actually, no.

they want a monthly user fee :(

that's a non-starter...

i'm in a kind of a frustrating scenario with online sales of any sort. i would rather buy my own domain and set up my own store to avoid paying twenty transaction fees. right now, if you buy a file at bandcamp, you pay bandcamp & you pay paypal. if we could get around both of them...

the thing is that i just don't sell enough to make that feasible. i'm pretty technical; i could figure that out. but, it doesn't make any sense for me to shell out monthly fees when i'm not hardly pulling anything in.

the basic math is that i need to have more revenue than costs before i can move to any kind of paid service, and it just doesn't make sense to pay anybody hosting fees until i'm relatively confident i can recoup the costs.

so, i need to start off with the free sites, and, one day, if i build enough of an audience, i can set up my own transaction sites.

it looks like it's payhip or gumroad, and i'll have to take a closer look next week.
actually, i think what i want for the isos is this company called shopify that is located in canada.  they have a 5 gb upload limit, which is enough for a dvd. it would be nice if that could come up to 25 so i could host blu-rays, but that's a distant concern.

that should help me avoid tax problems because i'm not jumping borders.

i've never used this site before and i don't know much about it, but it's apparently kind of big.

i would expect something to come up there in the next few days.

the funny thing about body cams is that, while they generate gigabytes worth of data for things like facial recognition that the secret service can then utilize, they seem to somehow get turned off - almost without exception - whenever somebody wants to use them to hold the cops accountable.

they are essentially useless as an accountability proposal. but, they're great for spying on you with.

you should oppose them on civil rights grounds. i know i will.
i think i'm going to use the noise trade erasure process as an excuse to do a full archival.


this is overdue, anyways.

i'll probably have to download the blog and copy it over to the other machine...

let's start with facebook first, that's much easier.
see, this is a perfect example of two-faced trudeau being a total racist.

do you know what body cams are actually good for? spying on minorities, in a covert manner. they can get all kinds of footage that way, they just have to send the cop in.

is anybody calling for this? would it have made any difference? is it even relevant?

or is it in truth just an excuse for this government to ram through yet another racist policy?
so, i had to make some minor edits to the deathtokoalas documents for december and january, which is now done.

and, it's time to eat, again.

i need to try to call the court this morning to see if i can get some kind of response. but, if it otherwise takes another day or two to upload these links before i file the complaint in federal court, that's fine.
there's a difference between punishing somebody, which is barbaric, and restraining somebody, which is sometimes necessary to prevent them from carrying out further harm.
as for abolishing jails...

there are some nuts out there, like jeffrey dahmer, or that guy that beheaded somebody on a bus in winnipeg. these cases are extreme, but there has to be some kind of system that deals with them.

the thing is that these are, at their core, mental health concerns, and that these people should be in hospitals, rather than jails.

so, my basic position is that what we call jails should be converted into hospitals - and that the only people in them should be people that we have no choice but to restrain for our collective safety.
i would be more likely to support a broad, class-focused movement to defund the police than buy into a moral panic demanding retribution for the stupidity of a poorly trained officer, based entirely on blinding and dividing identity politics.

i don't see what's happening right now as having much revolutionary potential; it's classic divide and conquer, and exactly when the bankers need it, too. if they split you up by race and get you at each other's throats, they don't need to worry about protecting their property.

but, as previously mentioned, going after the police is the right tactic. that's what i want to see.

so, i support calls to abolish the minneapolis police - and calls to abolish the police, everywhere else. i'm an anarchist; i don't believe in policing. this is more my style, for sure.

but, i'd like to see some proposals as to what they want to replace the police with, before i jump on board entirely. if this was local, it's the kind of thing that would get me out of the house.

are they going to rely on state police, instead? that would be terrible, clearly. but, if they just defund the city police, it's going to be state and federal forces that take over. amongst other things, that's likely to create a constitutional crisis, as federal officers need to enforce federal laws.

is it essentially amalgamation by stealth, as the article cites in camden and compton? that would just make the problem worse, as you start shipping in officers from outside the areas they police, which is what happened in ferguson.

are they going to rely on religious groups and govern the city from the back of a koran or a bible? that would be a catastrophe that i would strenuously oppose, to the point that i'd actually go so far as to support bombing minneapolis to stop them from doing it.

what i'd like to see is a move to more community-based models of decision making, along with a complete end to a "standing army" type police force. the professional police should be replaced by something like a volunteer militia that only mobilizes when required. in order for that to be feasible, there needs to be a dramatic redistribution of wealth so that property no longer needs to be protected by force. but here's the thing: people have to decide to participate. in the end, it's up to minneapolis; if they'd rather stay at home, the bureaucrats will decide for them. which i think is a reasonable projection...

so i'd support abolishing the police, yes.

but, i don't suspect that is imminent, just yet.
well, i'm skeptical.

but, supposing this is true, do they think they can keep it out of the country forever? or are they going to try to bring in forced vaccinations on yearly mutations?

new zealand has a useful geography for fighting pathogens, but it's ultimately a fool's errand to try to stamp out a virus with quarantine. they're just prolonging the inevitable.