Saturday, March 10, 2018

here's a little advice from the other side, pc party.

christine elliot is a loser. and wynne has her dominated.

voting purely on experience? wynne wins. are you a red tory? wynne wins. elliot has no upside over wynne whatsoever.

you're better off with ford.

and, while ford is not trump, you're clearly learning the wrong lesson from the last american election, aren't you?

personally? i just want an excuse to make fun of doug ford for three months.
so, it seems as though doug ford won in more or less the way i suggested, and the party leadership won't accept it...?


the system is exaggerating rural support. it was predictable, for that reason.

you can't change the rules because you don't like the results. or, maybe, the real message the party is sending is that you actually can.
mulroney raised a lot of money, huh?

we'll find out today if she took it in brown paper envelopes or if she's just the choice of the tory elite.
and, you know where michael j. fox was from, right?

(i'd tell you to ask him, but he forgot.)
the sitting premier - kathleen wynne, who i've posted quite a bit about here - has very publicly stated her admiration for the likes of al gore and bernie sanders.

and, andrea horwath is some kind of strange female version of alex p. keaton, but stuck in her parent's hippie party.
the major opponent - christine elliot - would, overall, be to the left of hillary clinton.
and, i need to reiterate that ford isn't much like trump at all.

he's more like a chris christie: very fiscally conservative, kind of 'colour blind' (at least in public) and sort of quasi-libertarian rather than social conservative.

ford would be opposed to tariffs, in favour of immigration and largely disinterested in war.

they would agree on little, besides tax cuts.
huge sample size, but funny methods.

both email and ivr are going to skew towards the moderate voters; tga is also going to do very well in the rural areas.

i'm not changing my call on this. and, whether ford wins comfortably or barely is really going to come down to whether granic-allen can beat mulroney or not...
so, how am i doing?

those nose bleeds are lingering. they're not active bleeds; it's more bloody boogers. and, it's not entirely unheard of - i'm used to getting a little blood in my snot when it's dry, which it is, right now. cold or hot, what i really hate is dry air. the smoke is no doubt a factor. once i get the holes blocked off in here, that's going to need to be something i'll want to deal with. humidifier, maybe. as it is, my last brita filter died on me the other day, so i'm just drinking coffee.

the guy was supposed to come finish the work yesterday, but didn't. so, i've been stuck in the house all week. i'll be able to get out and grab some things - duct tape, steel wool, brita filter - in the morning.

i'm otherwise relatively alert. the headaches have mostly subsided, and there's only two or three places left to tape, for now.

i want to be clear: i'm feeling better because i've blocked most of the smoke. it didn't go away on it's own, i took steps to counter the problem. and i think i'm not at 100% because it's not done, yet.
yoda >>>>>>>>>>>>> skywalker.
the dynamic duo may be more likely to fire him...
besides a couple of people that were accused of sexual assault, how many people has trudeau fired, up to now?

that would be a way to get rid of one of them, anyways.

yes, it is kent.

but, trudeau will stick with the girl he brought to the dance, regardless of how disinterested she is, or how drunk she gets, or how many times he has to ask her why she's been hanging around outside the men's room all night.

if we want to get rid of the puppet masters, you will need to get rid of the puppet, too.
pierre wouldn't turn in his grave.

he'd try to win an argument with the coffin.