Sunday, December 8, 2019

the whiteness of the remaining primary candidates is getting a lot of media attention, which is mostly really just a shit shot by the corporate media.

listen - if there was some governing entity hovering over the process, arbitrarily deciding who can and can't talk, and they picked a bunch of white guys, then i could see some pushback on some structural racism.

but, what's happening is literally the result of actual polling. and, while i actually think that kamala harris made the right choice in pulling out of a race that she'd already lost quite some time ago, maybe there's some basis in giving her shit for stranding some identity voters without a candidate.

so, there is still time for some of that vote to reorganize itself, i guess. but, there's not much evidence that harris' withdraw is going to help a candidate like booker, who is just not polling above 2-3% at all, all that much.

and, it's maybe another example of the media spinning reality on it's head rather than accepting that it's analysis is so horrible. the media has been telling us for so long and for so often that the democrats are a majority-minority party, and there's basically no future for white people on the pseudo-left, that it can't grapple with what the actual evidence produces out of the actual process. what they want is a race war with the white republicans on one side and the brown democrats on the other, and all of their messaging promotes that, always. so, when the democrats pick a bunch of white people, the narrative implodes.

but, of course, this is the democratic process unfolding, and if the top five or six candidates all end up being white, then maybe that's reflective of the voting base, just a little bit? maybe the actual truth is that a more careful analysis of the demographics suggests that "liberal" white democrats are not just an important voting bloc, but still the dominant one. that would be a nice, easy explanation.

instead, we're told that the field isn't representative of voters, despite the fact that the voters chose them.