Wednesday, October 23, 2019

no. stop.

if you're not religious, then the matter of free will doesn't matter, because there's not a moral question attached to it. maybe it's biology, maybe it's not. who cares?

it only matters if you're religious, and the religion is supposed to be about free will.

so, if the purpose of pretending that we don't have a choice is to appease religious idiots, it's just a pointless contradiction, which is probably why this approach doesn't actually work very well - if they were to actually accept the premise, they'd have to abandon their religious principles in the first place, so why not just tell them to discard their religious beliefs and be done with it?

to tell me i don't have a choice is preposterous, and fuck you for trying to do it.
i mean, isn't the whole basis of the religion supposed to be that i can reject god or not?

so, i reject god. easy.

moving on...
my question is this: are you claiming that i can't decide to be queer?


just watch me.
but, what if i told you that i consciously decided to be queer, and there's nothing you can do to change my mind, and i don't care if you like it or not?

are you going to claim that's impossible?

like, what's your counterargument, if i take that position, and am convinced of it?
i'm actually not giving trump credit for lifting the sanctions on turkey, because he was a fucking idiot for putting them down in the first place.

i mean, if you want to talk about playing into putin's hands...
alright, i'm alert, and i'm posting.
no, actually, i'm going to double down on the point: there is no green solution to air travel. nothing has been "debunked". most of us will simply need to stop doing it.

the "solutions" being floated around amount to glorified helicopters, that you could use as short-term air shuttles rather than as passenger jets. ok. the problem that can't be solved is the amount of energy required for lift; if you want to solve that by creating thousands of lightweight two-seater aircrafts (which can't even take basic luggage), which would require thousands of pilots, and thousands of tonnes of plastic, i might have to concede on the engineering as a triviality, but i'll tell you you're delusional in practice. that's not debunking anything, it's just demonstrating the point - if that's the best you can do, there's no future in it.

so, if you want to put this in the list of things that you think technology will solve, that's fine, but you need to line-up with the carbon capture people and the "markets will save us" fundamentalists. but, this is worse than that - because it's actually putting faith in technology and markets to solve something that science is pretty clear can't be solved. the faith-in-technology optimists are telling us the battery technology might be here by 2050. i mean, c'mon.

frankly, i don't exactly know what the pushback even is. wouldn't you rather stay on the ground and take a train, anyways?
welcome to hell, alberta.

if anything, the retribution is overdue.
there's a fire burning in the west?


you're that fucking awful?

let the western bastards burn in their own filth.
it's michigan that i'm more excited about, because i really only smoke at concerts.
i bought a few grams when i was in toronto in april. i think it was 3.5.

i have otherwise not bought any legal pot in canada.

as mentioned, they're finally opening a store in windsor on november 1st. i'm sure i'll be there eventually, but i anticipate infrequent small purchases. i really don't expect to be in there more than a few times a year.
yeah, that was the longest sober sleep in months. what did i smell yesterday afternoon? it smelled mildly like pot, but i didn't state it as such because if it was then it wasn't a strain i know. it smelled more chemically. and, it just knocked me out for twelve hours.

i prefer to buy high potency, but i then take it in very small doses. i can get 6-8 rolls out of a joint, and those little pinners will do me for like six hours at a time. that was when i bought twice a year at most - something i haven't done since christmas, 2017. there was no headcave in july, 2018 and no headcave in christmas, 2018 and no headcave in july, 2019, either. it didn't even cross my mind this summer.

we'll see how i feel at christmas, but i'm not planning on it. more likely is a pre-roll near the solstice, if the store is still open.

i'm still groggy, but let's hope i'm awake.
i'm not going to pretend that the air quality is as bad here as it was in the other place, because it isn't. it's an improvement.

so, i'm more frustrated and annoyed by getting knocked out than angry.

i've heard something or other upstairs, but it might be the furnace. the unit has been officially empty for more than ten days, now. i dunno....

let's just hope i can rebound quickly, and let's hope it doesn't pick up and doesn't become a recurring problem. because that's all you're going to get out of drugging me - it's just going to make me really tired, and less productive.

and grumpy about it.
the truth is that i just didn't really get started today.

i had to get my recycle out this afternoon, not long after my last post. i spent a while cleaning, and then sat down to keep typing at about 15:00. i smelled something coming in from outside, and it knocked me out until around 19:00, when i got up to eat. i had to wait for my sheets to finish in the laundry before i could take a shower, so i'd have something to get out into. i took my second shower today when it was done, and my load of towels just finished and needs to be moved to the dryer.

the heat is at least on, finally. so, it's not as cold in here.

but, now i'm sleepy again...

i wanted to do a longer, more formal and more structured reaction to the election, but i found myself too tired to be useful this afternoon, and just slept it off, instead. at this point, i feel like i got the ideas i want to get off across, and don't really feel like doing it anymore.

i'm going to try to get a good start on the rebuild overnight, so long as i'm able to stay awake, which i'm not confident about.