Tuesday, January 13, 2015

so, i don't have any opposition to building robots, but i don't see any benefit of building smart robots.

i read a lot of science fiction when i was a kid, and it presented me with the proper moral questions that are coming up in reports like this. but, it also gave me a lot of fantasies of a world where robots take over the role of slaves. as i grew older, i started to realize that the science fiction of the middle part of the 20th century was actually an extension of the leftist ideals developed in the latter part of the 19th. robots are our most realistic path to communism, and probably the only realistic option we have in front of us to abolish the human misery necessary for industrial capitalism to function.

so, why are we so obsessed with building them in our images? i don't see a value in it. robots making cars and running supply chains sounds like actual emancipation, in a way humans have never come close to accomplishing. but, robots telling us what time it is sounds like an extension of the capitalistic enslavement we're currently trapped within.

as so many people have said before me: the value of technology is what you do with it. it's not inherently evil. but we need the proper foresight in place as to how robots can free us from labour, and how they can make the whole situation even worse.

put simply: keep them stupid.

some people drink 3/4 of a bottle of something on their birthday and pass out somewhere.

i ate 3/4 of an x-large pizza and passed out somewhere (safe). although it may have been the cough syrup. so, maybe not tomorrow, but the next day at the latest...

i probably won't eat for like a week, now....