Thursday, August 4, 2016

03/04-08-2016: rambling over a vacuum & general clean-up day (what is that sound?)

tracks worked on in this vlog:

j reacts to trump as the american gorbachev

i've hinted at this repeatedly, but i'm going to be explicit because it's somehow poorly understood that the soviet union collapsed not due to communism or centralized planning but due to the introduction of market reforms. we can have debates about whether things were really worse there or not, but the breaking point is not up for debate: the lines around the street for bread were because of pro-market reforms.

this is what i'm worried about with trump: that he'll let that kind of thing happen. it's the same basic problem that ron paul always presented. if you pull back funding enough, the state will collapse altogether.

it is a realistic threat.

so, i keep pushing this idea that trump will produce glasnost. i'm not going to stop, either.

j reacts to another useless polling firm

rasmussen: shit poll due to polluted sampling. ignore. don't aggregate.

j reacts to the question of self-interest over group sacrifice in a free society

i'm sorry, but i don't at all see why the question of sacrifice is remotely important. if i were trump, i would have said that i haven't made any sacrifices and aggressively asked why it's important to make sacrifices. this is supposed to be a free society. living in it is about advancing self-interest, not about making sacrifices. so, i don't know where this is coming from. is it in islam? calvinism? but, i don't identify with it.

as far as i'm concerned, their kid died needlessly for oil politics. i'd rather protest the war than go off on some conservative diatribe about "sacrifice".

i mean, trump didn't kill their kid. but, hillary set the process in motion.

i just don't get it...

"i've sacrificed. what sacrifices have you made...?"

that just doesn't resonate. sorry.

i'm the type of person to look somebody in the eye and tell them their sacrifices are their own, they have no right to enforce their sacrifices on others and nobody is responsible for their regret but themselves.

you made your sacrifices. i didn't make them. and, i'm not going to sit around and feel bad for you.

this is idiotic.

maybe we could bring back open sewers, too?

#fuckthepast #leavehistoryinhistoryclass
i took the mri looking for something like this, in an attempt to rule out ms. i was never looking for a growth. i'm not surprised that they couldn't find anything - i don't see any reason to take another with a contrast agent. but, there may be some subtleties in the imaging. i obviously just simply don't know.

progress update relating to inri014

i've had a down period the last two weeks that's a consequence of a variety of things, but i don't expect any further political commentary that is in any way meaningful.

i have a meeting on aug 11 to discuss the mri results with the ear doctor. i expect that it will lead to a referral to see another doctor - either a bone specialist of some sort or possibly a dentist. there is some possibility that i may get a bad surprise. a lot of uncertainty remains around this, and i just have to wait.

this "hybrid double ep single" that i left off at is in fact constructed. i just need to finish writing the notes - which shouldn't be taking so long.

i also need to be cleaning for the rest of the week, and will need to do a compost run, soon.