Friday, November 17, 2017

"that's the kind of feminism my mom believed in."

that's right: your mom was a feminist.

you're not.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.
so, i got my first print with the new ink done, and it actually seems to be a little more accurate than the official ink.

so, i'm not worried about quality.

but, i'm a little concerned about leakage, and will have to keep an eye on it.

right now, it seems fine. let's hope i can at least get through the month with it.

and, i'll have to keep track of the exact number of pages i print, as well. even if i only get the same 50 i got last time, i'm paying $20 this time instead of $100, so, it's down into a more reasonable price. and, if i get 100, it's closer to what i initially budgeted for. so, as long as it doesn't leak, this is probably a permanent solution.

the main black ink is supposedly out, too, after something like 30 pages. that's laughable - there must be ink left in the cartridge. so, i guess i'm putting all these cartridges aside for later, to figure out how to get the remaining ink out of them.

right now, i'm going to eat and get back to inri061. 60 is now ready to ship. i could potentially get this out on sunday.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.
what i will say about bernie sanders running in 2020 is that i would hope that there is a younger, more viable candidate to challenge clinton in the primaries. i've been keeping an eye on franken for a few years as almost a singular example of somebody that could actually defeat clinton. if franken ends up pushed out or forced to resign, there really isn't anybody else with the ability to challenge clinton.

and, like so many people on the left, i think hillary clinton belongs at a criminal arraignment at the hague, not in the oval office. if i thought she was maybe a lesser evil 13 months ago, i don't at all think she is now. i would react with open hostility to a third clinton run.

i almost think franken should just dive into the thing head first, balls out, and take them right on. or, alternatively, go out with guns blazing. i know it's not really his style. but, the consequences of losing franken on the left are quite profound.

it's not that his positions are pristine. they're pretty good. i'm going to agree with almost everything he says, to the point that we don't get into a discussion about socialism. it's more that he has that populist streak to him, that ability to generate support. i'm actually not able to come up with a senator that has a better record than franken, but if you could find me one, they wouldn't have that raw political talent.

and, the democrats are once again demonstrating that they would rather lose any given election than be taken over by a candidate on the left.

if franken is out, the default is back to sanders. but, i'm not sure that i can support somebody his age running for office.

if we get around the corner here to the start of 2019 and have nobody in front of us in the democratic party besides a fading bernie sanders, i think there's a realistic chance that enough of a third party movement could develop to potentially land the democrats in third place.

the honest truth is that what's being reported about al franken doesn't upset me: it's a juvenile and harmless picture along with a disputed account of an event by a clearly unreliable accuser. this woman is an outspoken birther and a frequent guest on far right talk shows.

but, if this is the end of franken, expect it to be a pyrrhic victory for the democratic establishment, as he is probably their only realistic chance of winning in 2020. removing franken may be the decision that ends the democratic party as a political force in the united states of america.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.
reddit isn't buying this, either.

this is a classic soviet-style take down. but, if we can maintain a questioning electorate, there's still some hope for democracy.

it's not like al franken is a political saviour or anything, but he's a reliable liberal and a credible option to defeat hillary. i think these events also confirm that he was thinking about running. despite the massive, co-ordinated push by the media & political establishment, i'd like to see some actual polling.

the little bit of grassroots evidence i've seen suggests people aren't buying into this - because it's just too obvious. 

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.
on top of that, the reality is that making ellison a senator would be handing the seat to the republicans.

this is the district that ellison represents:

it's minneapolis, basically - the urban core of the city.

this is how the state voted in the 2016 presidential election:

like the areas around minnesota, this is a state that is de-urbanizing in post-industrialization and being reclaimed by the agricultural midwest. like wisconsin, it is becoming less like illinois and more like iowa.

clinton very nearly lost this state.

and, running a black muslim nationalist with a history of right-wing extremism for statewide office is the way you lose it, maybe for good.

contrary to widespread reports, this state is highly vulnerable. it's not the place you play these games of identity politics in.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.
the calls for resignation from clinton surrogates are just increasing. it's clear as day to me what's going on, here.

but, whatever happens with this, he cannot be replaced by keith ellison, who has a history of blatant anti-semitism and open homophobia.

you cannot replace a liberal jew with a conservative muslim (an openly anti-semitic and homophobic one) in a progressive state. and, the suggestion is horrifically egregious and absurdly offensive.

but, it reflects the fake left's priorities pretty clearly - and demonstrates the society they really want.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.
the mail woman left my ink in the box.

she shouldn't have done that. but, ok.

i'll be trying to print the back of inri060 soon.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.
the quebec liberals really are a right-wing catastrophe, aren't they?


the reality is that this won't survive a court challenge.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.
actually, the photo clearly demonstrates that he didn't touch her at all.

i'm not a conservative person, and i'm not into decorum and proper behaviour. lewd, crass behaviour doesn't bother me. i swear, and i drink. and, yes - i'm lower class. so, i'm not going to add the caveat "it was in poor taste.."

...because, so what if it was in poor taste? since when is being an edgy comedian against the law? and, since when is morality a pre-requisite for public office? he's a senator, he's not a fucking priest.

rather, what the media reaction is demonstrating is that there is a co-ordinated movement to take franken out. the picture clearly demonstrates that he did not touch her, but they're spinning it as though he did. this is beyond the realm of accidental.

somebody named hillary wants him out.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.
yeah, my ink's in windsor. but, my mailwoman just always leaves the slip. that's fine, i can get it tomorrow.

getting it today wouldn't help much, as i'm going to need another day for 61. but, it looks like i'm expanding this to a third disc by adding some further orchestral reworkings, a percussion mix and maybe a drone mix, to start with. i got the string mix done this morning, and i'm happy with it, but it's bed time.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.
i've pointed this out repeatedly: what's happening in the united states right now is not a rise of any left, but a return of the right. and, the language has just gotten so confused, that the young conservatives have ended up calling themselves 'progressives', and in some cases even 'socialists', despite articulating what is basically textbook conservatism, through and through.

maybe it's as simple as defining one's self in opposition to the dominant narrative. if you're told that ted cruz is a conservative, and you disagree with everything he says, then you must be on some kind of left, right? but, the fact is that ted cruz is actually a liberal, and if you disagree with everything he says then that actually either makes you a socialist.....or a conservative. and, the country is collectively getting this completely confused.

some of them seem to get it, and think they're marxists. but, what they're actually articulating is this right-wing concept of leninism that was basically just a russian strain of conservatism. so, you get all of these same authoritarian attitudes that have been historically associated with the right, sold to these kids as a left that never was a left. and, they can grasp on to it as oppositional, because it actually is.

i was skeptical when i read the polls suggesting that young people don't actually support sanders' policies, but i think i'm losing skepticism. because, what they're actually searching for - and can't find - is an actual conservative vision of class harmony through a division of labour, with a powerful church willing to take up the slack.

and, we're all in a lot of trouble if these kids can straighten out the language and figure this out properly.

echo boomers indeed, right?

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.
i'm not being ironic.

a lot of the legal literature you see nowadays looks like it was written in the bloody victorian era, with the intent to minimize stress on the gentler sex. and, there's nothing feminist about any of it. it's just reactionary patriarchal conservatism hiding behind a veneer of altruistic chauvinism.

but, it's not like younger women are grasping on to it by accident. this reversal of feminism was a part of neo-liberalism. it's manufactured. it's taught. and, like so much of the language, we've had the terms inverted.

women should not get special treatment in the legal system - because they are strong enough and capable enough to be treated the same way that we treat men. and, don't let these victorian reactionaries and gentlemanly chauvinists tell you otherwise.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.
feminism is not about coddling women, and anybody suggesting as much to you is a reactionary.

if feminism is radical egalitarianism - and it is - then it means putting a woman making an accusation on the stand and making them answer hard questions, and demanding that they support their accusations.

lowering standards and expectations is a kind of sexism. and, what's underlying this mindset is a kind of chauvinist chivalry.

unfortunately, a lot of women are willing to buy right into it. i'm not.

defend your argument sufficiently, or withdraw it.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.
i actually take great care to not identify as any particular ethnicity. but i need to point out that it's not the case that i'm like 90% white or something.

i'm really quite literally mixed.

on my father's side, i'm native american, african-american (probably), french canadian, italian and jewish. so, my father would have been 50% mediterranean (italian/jewish), either 12.5% native and 12.5% black OR 25% cree (it's not clear....) and 25% french canadian.

despite having a french canadian surname, he was only a quarter "white".

my mom's father is white- welsh/anglo/scot. but, her mother is a quarter asian through a finnish ancestry. my grandmother has broadly norse-irish phenotypes, but my mother actually looks kind of turkic, and it would be from the finnish. i can look pretty finnish, myself. but, my mom would come in at 87.5% white.

that would make me about 56.25% white european, 25% mediterranean, 6.25% asian and 12.5% cree (or african/cree).

that's not enough to identify as anything specific. i've never been to a synagogue, and i don't know anything about indigenous culture, besides being an intuitive anarchist. i'm certainly not culturally black. but, i don't really have any interest in white culture, either. while my biggest european ancestry comes from my mother's father, i have essentially no relationship with that side of the family - i've had a far closer relationship with my maternal grandmother and my father's siblings. the two family members i've been closest to are my father and my maternal grandmother.

but, i find your narrative lacking, to begin with.

i'm actually more attached to the old left ideas that reject nationalism and ethnicity as tools of capitalist control, and argues instead for a secular society built on scientific principles and radical concepts of total egalitarianism.

in other words, i don't actually think my ethnicity is important. i don't really want one. and, i won't interpret other people through the lens of their self-identification, either: we're all just human beings.

but, sure: i'm all of the subtypes i listed, and none of it is any more token or trivial than the rest, whatever it means - and whatever it doesn't mean, at all.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.
but, if the reaction to the franken accusations clarify anything, it is this: hillary clinton will be running in 2020.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.
i have a lot of respect for honesty, and not much at all for opportunism.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.