Wednesday, December 9, 2020

...and, my hydroxyapatite just shipped from 'leetsdale, pennylvania, a no doubt exceedingly wealthy suburb of pittsburgh, located plonk on the ohio river.

that's just up the interstate.

it could be here tomorrow.
there is also a dental school around the corner, and they may offer discounts.


let me see if i can contact them.
so, they should cover the fluoride treatment, too - because the water isn't fluoridated:

they should actually cover the root planing.

good. that's what i really need.
if i can convince them i need to special coverage due to the cyproterone, i might be able to get a graft mostly covered.

it's discretionary, so i need to write an essay and talk them into it. they usually cover diabetics and people on diuretic medicines - and i am on diuretics. i mean, it's legit, even if it's an excuse, it's just not the most common claim.

right now, i'm more worried about cleaning them. but, that's the next thing coming up.

you know, the nhs covers gum grafts....
i'm reading up on gums, now, and i don't seem to have any sign of gum disease, exactly.

my gums don't bleed. ever.

they're firm, not flabby. they're pink, not red.

but, they are receding. and, while i do overbrush, and admit it, i'm wondering if it's just genetic. we get old and fall apart....

if i'm going to fix the gums, i want to try to do it using biological tactics as well - stem cells, gene editing, skin grafts, etc - and not using engineering methods ("gum surgery"). and, these tactics are at least mature. but, trying to get them covered might be a challenge.

the grafts are a pretty routine surgery, from what i understand, and something i'd let them do. so, i'll need to ask if that's something covered by "extended coverage", which i think i can get because my medication lists "dry mouth" as a symptom.
i mean, it seems to be pretty inert, right now.

why fix something that's not broken?
we don't know.

but, we can be sure that, while vaccines will reduce mortality in certain demographics, it will also spur evolution in healthy subgroups. what doesn't kill a virus will make it stronger.

i suspect we may realize in the end that mass vaccination was a mistake, and we should have targeted the vulnerable, instead.

we don't even know if it works, yet - or how long it will work for.

the continuing stupidity is just astounding.

i've never received a flu shot in my life, but i expect i'll start getting them when i'm older. as it is, the chances of me getting vaccinated before 2040 are pretty slim - and the chances of me getting vaccinated over 2021 are exactly 0.

my chromebook is trying to get me to restart to "install flash".

in 2020.

that doesn't even make any sense - i'm in guest mode. i can't install extensions.

listen, pigs. i'm in guest mode. that means i can't even access the kernel. i'm in the most restricted mode possible, and i have to be, because it's the only way you'll let me do anything. 

you can't install anything on this machine. i can't, either.

i am going to mail my foia request tomorrow. i didn't realize the counter was closed; i was waiting for my gst check to clear. i should have done it last week. whatever. 

when it gets here, i will take the documents to the justice and attempt to have this woman charged and arrested - as she should be. she's a liar and a crook. it's no doubt long overdue.

and, you can spy on me all you want, in the mean time. i don't know what you're looking for, but i'm really as boring as i look - there's nothing to find.
to be clear: this bill still doesn't go far enough in removing statist restrictions around personal bodily autonomy.

however, it's another incremental step in the right direction towards full self-ownership, and the right thing to do is support the bill and wait for the court to tear it down, again.
throw the fucker out of caucus.

ok. this is about the time of day i want to wake up at.

let's try again.

still exhausted.

i don't get it, but whatever.
i'm a night person.

fuck the sun.
i'm going to drink a lot of coffee and try to wake up and get started.

i didn't want to sleep all night, i wanted to work all night. let's hope i can do an all-nighter tonight to compensate.
all of this unwanted sleeping is really screwing up my schedule and disorienting me badly.

like, what day is it?


what the fuck?