Monday, January 20, 2020

i had to nurse another migraine this morning (and i have another one now), so i didn't get out until early in the afternoon, and did some running around for the day, eventually getting back a bit before 19:00 (on what is likely my last venture outside for the rest of the month), before making some pasta and sitting down to eat around 20:00...

i wanted to watch some news, so i looked up the real news, my old go to, and i couldn't believe how awful it was - something i've been noticing for a while, now. i decided a while back that they signed their death warrant the day they let cenk uygur in the door. that guy is death, personified. but, what happened to paul jay, anyways? where's he posting, now?

i bumped into this...

i think i saw this coming a while back, and if you look at some videos from i don't know how long ago, you can see the rest of the staff beginning to mutiny. paul was never really in the democratic party consensus; he's a canadian from, i think, winnipeg, that is somewhere between the progressive conservatives and the ndp. so, he just doesn't see the world from a democratic party filter, and he just was never going to fit in.

that's why people liked him.

what the real news is, now, is just saturated content. i don't care what kids in their 20s think about much of anything. and, i can't fucking stand marc steiner. there's a thousand other sites like that out there; it's lost it's niche, and is no longer worth watching. without paul, they have absolutely nothing of value, and they appear to be too stupid to figure that out.

the article seems designed to eliminate speculation that he got shut down for deviating from the party line. those questions won't go away until he sets the record straight, himself. and, i hope that paul gets out of this and gets back up somewhere else.

as a very long time viewer - i used to watch counterspin - my best guess is that the reason the process is dragging out is that paul actually wants to keep the name. that is, i would expect that he intends to walk away from this with his brand. i couldn't imagine him giving it up without a fight.

whether he gets out with the real news or with something else, my interest is in paul jay and his network of guests, it's not in the other people that work there or their saturated content and facile analysis.

let this be a lesson, though - this is why you don't let capitalists in the room. paul slept with the devil, and got fucked.
what serious means to a person like justin trudeau is that you look and act and talk in a specific way. it's an image, a perception, a projection - but nothing of any actual substance.

i only mentioned krugman in passing, but there's something perceptive in doing so, for if justin trudeau was not a very serious person before, his new and improved and more serious persona is more very serious than ever before - and not even a pithy krugman reference will get a capitalization out of me, not even that's the right ploy.

so, when the government approaches the question of being serious as a wardrobe decision, what's the point of even bothering anymore? when they're that fundamentally unserious, is it time for them to just give up?

there doesn't seem to be a purpose in western bourgeois politics at this point behind playing the game to win it. people play because they want to play. that's it. there's no longer any plot. 

and, it's a level of decadence whose days are numbered.
you can't fix stupid. k?

it's just...

rather than pretend that he's really serious now, that he's put his stupid socks away and grown up, i think it would be better for everybody if he just acknowledged what he is and what he isn't.

he's an actor. he likes playing dress up, and doing skits, and putting on a show, and playing a part. that's what he does. and, that is fundamentally unserious, in fact even more so when he's trying to be serious. when the sad clown does his crying skit, he's still a clown, right?

so, i've been nailing the government as unserious for months, and if he thinks this is going to help it isn't, it just cements the point. and, the fact is that you don't get from an unserious government to a serious government with a change of wardrobe, or a change of location on the set - you have to actually do actual serious things, for that to happen.

there will always be a place for a prime minister with a flair for drama. that's always been something a good politician can pull out of their rabbit hat - that's not an unuseful skillset. at all....

...but the thing about serious people, and i'm not sure i'm actually one myself, but the thing about serious people is that they take being serious seriously, and they're hard to trick with stunts and props. 

he should probably delegate this serious business to some serious people, and get on with it.

apologies to paul krugman.
so, they're trotting trudeau out there in a homeless guy plaid jacket to go along with his hobo beard, now, too.

it's just another costume....

the guy's a goof. even when he's pretending he's serious, he's still a goof.

it's like when homer puts on those glasses to look more intelligent. remember that? i'll find it.
so, the person i need to talk to at the court is out of office until thursday. there's no time frame. and, i need to get one piece of paper to them in the end - they actually used the word 'canvas'.

i'm going to send an email from this address to the parties just to touch base, and i'll follow up this afternoon, after i get back from the store.
if i was going to become a drug addict, the kind of drugs i'd get addicted to are the kind that prevent me from sleeping, not the kind that make me disoriented and tired.
i got another migraine last night a little past midnight and passed out all day.

i never got these migraines until i moved here, so i'm sure it's something environmental, but i also need to point out that i essentially don't sleep unless i'm forced to and i know this can have effects, over time. i hate sleeping, though, so if this is how my body is reacting to it, i'll have to get used to it. 

i need to call the divisional court, now....
i would like to see the senate focus on health care reform, rather than a symbolic gesture. do not expect me to follow this story. i consider it trivial, and, frankly, think it's sort of boring.

however, if they're going to do it, then they need to tell him he's fired at some dramatic, absurd point. otherwise, it's just a waste of time.
they can pay their own fucking security.

and, they should pay income & property taxes, too.
i think that a very, very high proportion of canadians of all kinds of political views, probably pretty much everybody besides the ultra bourgeois, would see no use for a review, as they would rule the possibility out a priori.

i can think of absolutely no reasonable scenario where taxpayers ought to be paying security for a couple with no legitimate business in this country and that has a net worth nearing $50 million. 

i'm not a fiscal conservative. at all. but, the premise that this is even being pondered is completely absurd.

letting me loose on this thing is like giving michaelangelo a lego set.
fwiw, it turns out that there's a screenshot hot-key on your standard chromebook keyboard.

that's the kind of shit i tend to disable in the bios..but, the more you know....
yeah, i'm getting the impression that this is actually kind of all vague sort of on purpose.

the statute says something like "the court puts you on a list and sends you a notice, and y'all figure it out from there".

i guess they're dealing with 100 different courts, and they got lazy writing the statutes. politicians, lazy? whodda thunk it, right?

it both seems self apparent and very confusing at the same time, so i'm going to call them in the morning. they're open at 8:30.

i also don't want to send anything to the human rights people until the end of the day tomorrow, so i can hold off on that.

that means the next immediate task is getting these files up to noise trade, something i was hoping to be done by the end of the day last year.

and, i will want to finish this up for january/14, as well, before i move on to period 3. and the alter-reality, too....