Wednesday, May 23, 2018

i'm breathing in more smoke now than i did when i smoked.
again: i always smoked outside.

i haven't had this kind of constant smoke exposure since i was around 10 years old, and it gave my copd when i did.

it's a matter of time before i get really, really sick.
i ended up sending a few emails this evening, after all.

the market is pretty thin, but there's a fair bit i'm interested in, as well.


it's awful again, tonight. it's not like i have a choice, if i stay here i'm going to get lung cancer or emphysema or something.
collective bargaining ought to be absolute to a point, there does need to be a concept of essential services that can't be shut down, but nobody should take the ndp seriously when they claim some pure adherence to it.

every government passes back to work legislation.

it's dirty but it's necessary, sometimes.
my hydro bill would be about $30/month - $10 for electricity and $20 for delivery. and i don't use a/c. ever. in fact, i complain about the neighbours when they do...

i get a $70 rebate under the hydro plan.

so, i get about $35 a month, credit.

so, my credit at enwin is currently about $150. i don't know if they pay it out at the end, or not.

under horwath's plan, if taken at face value, i'd go from $0 to $20.

i'd rather pay $0 than $20.
to be fair, horwath is also promising to take some production offline, which would in theory reduce prices, if it weren't for the need to absorb the payouts.

the only way to reduce prices is to use more electricity. it's counter-intuitive, but it's the way the system was designed; we were supposed to have electric cars by now. things like expanded subway and rail lines, or a push for new streetlights, would actually help to lower costs. christmas lights all year? art installations? you get the point.

i benefit from wynne's plan; i get free hydro, although i'm going to be looking for something all inclusive for august, too. if ford wants to carry through with it, great. but, horwath would actually raise my electrical bill from $0 to something more than $0, and because i'm dealing with small sums it's substantive percentages of total income. if i take them at face value, i'd be better off with ford than horwath - and i'm at the absolute bottom of the income scale.

here she goes, again.
i got lucky and found a good spot.

i got unlucky and had it taken over by a terrible person.

this place sucks...

i can find another good spot, i'm sure.
so, the same thing happened this morning that happened yesterday, although i have to point that a big part of it was that it was so cold in i sat down to warm up and passed out.


this is the adjustment i'm going to make: i'm going to start looking early tomorrow morning, and make some calls before i eat.

i guess i'm back to rebuilding for the night.
if we vote for the ndp and they govern like conservatives, don't tell me i didn't warn you.
if we had a right-leaning liberal government in ontario, it wouldn't matter - it couldn't get worse, right?

we don't.

the sitting liberal government in ontario is actually by far the most left-leaning in the country.

it's just not the right time to make the gamble, especially not given horwath's historical tendencies to lean to the right.
do you want to be just like israel?

then vote for proportional representation.
if the ndp win this election, i don't expect it to be due to a groundswell amongst young voters, but rather due to a breakdown in liberal support.
i don't remember bob rae either, but i'm educated enough on the history to understand what the ndp are all about: they're a controlled opposition party that campaigns on the left and governs on the right, which is where their history in fire and brimstone prairie populism is.

their founder, tommy douglas, was basically a nazi.

throughout the years, there's always been reasons to keep them out. they've held homophobic positions, racist positions, xenophobic positions, backwards positions on trade, weird positions on the constitution, bizarre positions on sovereignty, scary ideas about electoral reform - ideas that smart people have, in the end, usually rejected. sometimes, they produce good mps, and you want them on committee. but, you've generally wanted to keep the way they think - this "progressive" ideology - out of government, because it just leads to calvinism and eugenics, in the end.

the liberals have always been the more secular and more humanist party. and, they've always done the heavy lifting, in the end.
and, for the naive, let's be clear: the only reason the ndp are dragging their feet on that pipeline is that they need green support to pass a budget, and are afraid the party might cave if they don't.

if the bc ndp had a majority, it would be taking orders from head office [unifor].
the ndp are famous in canada for running on great platforms, and then not carrying through with any of it - or even doing the exact opposite.

rae won primarily on universal auto insurance, which never happened.

the 2015 election aside, where the liberals and ndp switched roles, the liberals usually run less flashy and more realistic campaigns, then tend to actually follow through with it.

so, you need to be constantly weighing that out.

but, the ndp will not do anything in their platform; they never do.
they won't even talk to naomi klein...
it's not just bob rae. i mean, if you're talking about the ontario election, you cite bob rae as the obvious betrayer.

in the end, bob rae became a liberal, but it was clear he always was; i think andrea horwath is a conservative.

but, it's not just bob rae, it's the entire party, at every level of government. the sad truth is that there is not a single example of an actual left-wing ndp government. not even one. they're batting 0.

rachel notley is a pawn of the oil industry - veritably as far right as jason kenney. thomas mulcair lost because he ran to the right of justin trudeau. roy romanow has been praised by the fraser institute (the canadian heritage foundation, for those unclear). darrell dexter, greg selinger, ujjal dosanjh - every single one of them betrays their own base and lines up behind capital, in the end.

andrea horwath herself was heavily criticized four years ago for running to the right of the liberals.

you can fool me once, and you can fool me twice. but, after the thirty-seventh time? i'm not getting fooled again.

the knowledgeable political geek should realize that this isn't as obvious as a novice mind might think. it's not at all clear if horwath or ford are going to push bigger cuts, even if it is clear that ford will run deeper deficits.

it's not just bob rae; the ndp have never been what they claimed they were.
if you don't realize that there was some kind of collusion happening around 9/11 - the nature of which has never been entirely clear - then you're a bumbling idiot that has no business running a popsicle stand.
this city is cheap, but it's because the people that live here are worthless.
and, i'm now through april, 2016.

50 days left to go. 150 pages.

i need to eat & get looking...

the stench today appears to be cigarettes, and this is something that happens periodically; i don't know exactly where it's coming from, but it's enough that i've had to use the puffer. again: it's just overwhelming.

who smokes like this in a residential space? who is that selfish and clueless?

the people in this city are just horrible assholes. they just don't have any concept of decency, or self-respect. it's absurd, really/
we don't live in a universe that is determined or planned.

physics doesn't operate on causality any more.

so, why should biology?
i actually don't think that the causes of transsexuality - or homosexuality - are being approached from the right angles.

i don't think that the reimer study proves anything more than that identity cannot be enforced. and, there is absolutely no convincing evidence of a genetic cause for any of this at all, whatsoever. i'll acknowledge some logic in the ideas of prenatal exposure, but i would expect these to have measurable physical consequences - like hermaphrodism - rather than abstract effects on brain chemistry that are easy to imagine but difficult to actually demonstrate.

i think that the proper idea has more to do with what psychologists call conditioning, and that the orientations and identities we see in front of us are complex things that are the result of chaotic interactions - it is learned in the sense that it is not genetic, but a lot of it is learned in an unconscious manner. identity & orientation are consequently stochastic & non-linear phenomena that can't be reduced to any specific or easy to understand cause. the cause of my own dysphoria is likely entirely different than the cause of another person's, as they both come out of random conditioning processes.

but, at the end of the day, i'm an autonomous being, and i made the decision to transition. i would react pretty violently to suggestions otherwise, as it would be a denial of agency.

i think the real issue here is a kind of scam by the pseudo-left to try and work through the contradictions in dealing with equality and what religion says about equality. if you look at this carefully, these ideas are broadly legal, rather than scientific in origin (although there are some unconvincing studies that attempted to demonstrate these legal ideas). what these people want to do is bridge a gap - they're told that these are "sinful" choices, so they react by trying to argue that it isn't a choice at all.

it's a neat legal argument, granted. and, we should be grateful when it has worked to get people out of trouble for sodomy charges, for example. but, the evidence does not support this.

further, as an atheist, i don't feel any imperative to align my views with those of some church. i don't care if some imam or some pastor somewhere thinks my decisions are "sinful", or feel any need to bow down to their authority on the matter. i'm perfectly willing to look them in the eye and tell them they're wrong to question my choices, and have no right to tell me my behaviour is immoral. and, i'd really like to see the left adopt this position.

for the foreseeable future, though, this debate is likely to carry on without any meaningful resolution. so long as the money is there, scientists will keep looking for something that isn't there. at the end of it, we'll at least be able to understand that and start looking for another explanation.

but, i don't think there's a single cause; i think it's best understood using chaos theory and unintentional subconscious psychological conditioning, rather than using genetics.