Wednesday, July 1, 2020

so, this is the end of april, 2014 for a long while, now.

fell asleep this morning. april should be done shortly.

see, this kind of behaviour shouldn't make anybody want to cooperate too closely with beijing; it's very much a precautionary tale, this sort of random act of pointless retribution, as though this woman has anything to do with this. it's not an adult way for a major power to act; the interpretation, once again, is that china really has to grow up, and fast. the reality is that they are a developing major power; the reality is also that they act like petty tyrants, and frequently.

am i asking for a wise chinese emperor? no, i think what i'm asking for is the chinese to take control of their own society. this layer of vulgar marxists has done wonders for the economy, but there needs to be some kind of constitution that refrains the rulers from just doing whatever the fuck they want. the unfortunate likelihood is that china is going to remain impossible to deal with until that materializes, in some way, and it's not clear exactly what the best thing to do about it is.

so, is there a travel warning for canadians seeking to go to china?
april first pass done.

finalization coming soon.

march is now closed. for a long time....

i got march input quickly. it'll update soon.