Monday, October 26, 2020

i'm an advocate of mmt, and i believe in funding r&d. but, if we are moving back to this kind of model, we need to have some oversight to ensure that bourgeois bankers parties that are driven by international finance don't take advantage of it as a way to pump money offshore to their upper class cronies.

and, it doesn't take a lot of insight to realize that that is what is actually happening, under the cover of public spending in a pandemic.

capitalists are the worst kinds of jerks, the worst kinds of creeps - always were. anything for a buck, and any surplus value is as good as the next.
when anita anand claims that releasing information about covid-19 contracts may put negotiations about vaccines in jeopardy, she is no doubt correct. but, she is not speaking to the people of this country, who she does not care about and does not represent. rather, she is speaking directly to big pharma and to international finance, which are the interests she actually represents.

what she is saying is that public oversight may impact the ability for her to write checks from the public purse - call them handouts, call it corporate welfare, call it corruption - to her capitalist cronies, and she is standing in the house of commons and transparently stating it, in a statement of direct contempt for democracy.

it's remarkable, but it's neo-liberalism in a colonial state, under a government that represents foreigners more than it represents the people that elected it.
so, i'm not currently experiencing serious symptoms; or, to put it another way, the symptoms i'm experiencing seem to be caused by something else.

but, the fact that my lymph nodes are acting up suggests something's going on in there.
has anybody looked into this?

so, the oral thrush seems to have gone away so quickly that i'm wondering if it wasn't dried toothpaste.

my tonsils, on the other hand, remain quite enlarged, and i'm continuing to easily dehydrate - water just produced a diuretic reaction.

you have to remember that i live a block from the ambassador bridge, and the air quality here is never very good...

still, i wonder - does tonsil function really decrease as we age, or do we just not really need them anymore, because we've already seen everything? that is, do they become inactive rather than put into disuse? if so, might people with tonsils retain a line of defense against something novel like covid?

i need to reiterate that these symptoms - sneezing, stuffy nose - are not symptoms of covid-19. i can smell. i don't think have a fever. 

but, i still wonder about the tonsils; adults don't run into novel pathogens like this that often, and isn't that what they're really for?
i've got everything entered for the fruit bowl and it is legit done, i just need to tone it down a little. everything is green, now.

this will post soon.
we don't often have the luxury of choosing our enemies.

more often, our enemies choose us.
the turks used to be a workable partner back in the days when they had a secular constitution, but the steps they've taken recently should be seen as an abandonment of the west, and it's long past due that that was recognized.


....and i would say shame to anybody that would stand with a despotic, dictatorial thug like erdogan, in the face of a conflict with the french republic.

such a person would be unfit to show themselves in public, in this country.