Friday, August 14, 2020

the democrats should just publicly support an amendment to the constitution that allows for citizens to run for office. that would be massively popular.
fines for not wearing hockey gear in public include two minute, five minute and ten minute penalties.
four cases today, one of them via community spread.

scary stuff, windsor. these alarming numbers should help justify the new laws requiring that hockey gear, preferably goaltending position, be worn at all times, even when sleeping.
when you criticize albertans for the uncaring, almost psychopathic disinterest that they have for the well-being of the planet, they give you a line about how the economy was designed this way and they're trying harder and give them a break...

it's bullshit.

and, these people need to be exposed for what they are, opposed as what they are and removed from power via a good old fashioned populist uprising.

it's 2020, alberta. coal? really?
ok, let's hope that that was the extent of the initial crash and that i can stay awake for a few hours as i do final updates of all of this stuff.

i've been sleeping almost continually since wednesday night.
i will not be wearing a mask when i am out - nor will i be wearing one in the court room after i sue you for arresting me over it.

this is a battle worth fighting in court; a disease with a negligible fatality rate and almost no local transmission can hardly be grounds to infringe upon my personal liberty, and i would expect the court to uphold the matter and compensate me for my hardships under the direction of statist tyranny.

the mayor and city council need to immediately resign; this law is of no force.
i think a lot of liberals and leftists have been reared into a system of thought that is going to make it very difficult for them to identify who their opponents actually are, and this will result in them making foolish alliances with groups that seek to undermine and trivialize them. that's something we're going to see develop in the upcoming decades, and it's an open question how canadians react to the indigenous liberal cabinet minister that signs away treaty rights, or how americans react to the black woman that throws away roe v wade - these are just examples of how identity can be utilized against the population in ways that it currently seems to be being trained to be compliant to, rather than skeptical about.

the political alliance between white liberals and the brutally oppressed descendants of black american slaves, who needed something resembling freedom before they could join a political movement, was necessary and everybody that was involved in it should be proud about it. but, everything dies, in the end.

i want to be clear here - i'm not actually leveling any of this at kamala harris, who i'm interpreting more as an actress than as a policy maker. kamala harris is a black woman, but she is not a Black Woman and does not represent Black Women. that would have been your karen bass, who is maybe a better representation of the archetype i'm building up.

but, that also makes her particularly pliable, if it's decided that she will represent Black Women, anyways. and i don't get the impression that she's likely to push back, if it gets in the way of her personal ambition.

so, it's a perfect recipe for disaster - a token, pandery candidate that is going to run into all kinds of problems trying to represent a group that she neither understands nor represents and be pressured to do things that she doesn't actually support in order to represent that group. what kamala harris actually represents is the cosmopolitan upper class in the liberal elite, where everybody is culturally white, regardless of their genetic or geographic background. but, she's not going to stand her ground - she's going to cave, instantly. and, hence, she becomes the Black Woman without being one. and, what next? abortion may not be on the top of the list, but you may want to stock up on vodka.
black women, as a statistical grouping, also tend to hold to a lot of negative stereotyping about queer peoples - more so than in the general population.

people are individuals, of course.

but, as a statistical group, there's a lot of reasons to be very wary about putting Black Women in charge of much of anything.
there's a lot of overlap, in fact, between the political positions of white evangelicals and black women.
moving forward, the dominant opponents of abortion as a choice are not going to be white evangelicals, but rather black women.
it will not be a white man that takes away your abortion rights, in the united states.

it will probably be a black woman that signs the legislation, in the end.
so, i was always going to be sleepy this weekend, as i push through the physical nicotine addiction. i know how to do this - you sleep for five, six, seven days and then it's done. this much, i understand, and can work through. the side effects range from manageable (dehydration, sore throat) to brutal (violent, sweaty defecation events that are not quite describable as diarrhea).

but, i'm a little taken aback by just how quickly my urge to smoke a marijuana & raspberry leaf spliff absolutely crashed, indicating how right i was - i wasn't smoking 10 joints a day because i wanted the thc, i was just smoking very expensive and very unhealthy cigarettes. i've had that spliff sitting out for hours, now. if there was any tobacco in it, i'd have inhaled it hours ago.

so, that's some reinforcement that leaving pot in the cupboard won't be so hard, without the tobacco, after all, at least so long as i have some tea leaves. i was worried that even having the pot in the house at all could just be an excuse to get more cigarettes. maybe that's overreacting, or maybe i'm being naive.

was this predictable? well, i didn't really make a choice. it was around the solstice and i was headcaving, and then all of a sudden it's mid-august and i've been smoking tobacco every day for two months without stopping to think about it. oops. the answer is that, yes, this was predictable, but i didn't think it through, so i didn't make that prediction. i should have...

i'm not really taking the purgative properties of raspberry leaves very seriously, even if i am taking the estrogenic content seriously. so, this will be the mix that i leave in the cupboard - raspberry leaves & green tea. & we'll see if i can drop an 1/8th in there and forget about it, too.

for now, though, i'm going to smoke through what's left of this a little bit more slowly, as i pull myself back off the nicotine, hopefully for the last time. right now, i'm at least confident in, if not content about, what i've learned about the physical plant. when i was a smoker, the pot had no pull to it, because i'd just have a smoke whenever i wanted one. it's only been since i quit smoking that this has seemed different, and it seems to be nicotine-related; taking the nicotine out of the js entirely eliminated any craving i had for them. so, the lesson is rather clearly that i cannot have nicotine in the house, and cannot continue to use it for marijuana, as a non-smoker. i need to forget about that relationship, entirely.

that means that the next experiment will be with edibles, but i'm going to give it some time first, as i want to clear the thc out of my body to kind of normal background levels. this could take upwards of six weeks (i'll see how i feel), so those eds could be sitting there until october, and i could be on the brink of a month of approximate normality.