Monday, February 24, 2020

they're telling me that i shouldn't expect a letter, after all.

i made a request for one anyways over the phone.

should i buy a ticket anyways? i'm so iffy about this. are the prices inflated due to the blockade? should i wait this out, anyways?

let me get some fruit and look it up.

i napped this morning and afternoon and didn't get as much done as i wanted. i'm at least rested and awake, so i'm either up and in or up and ready to get out.
i also suggested that nevada wouldn't really be that different than iowa, and it actually wasn't.

the difference is more in the size of the urban centre relative to the rural regions around it, and in the way the state is districted.

i do expect south carolina to be a legitimately different game, though.
again: i suggested biden would miss viability almost everywhere, and he actually did.

i suggested that buttigieg would be viable in most places, and he was.

it's just that that the margin of error happens to take up 70% of the population, in this state.

yes, i knew that, and i should have looked at it more closely.
i know it seems like 96% in nevada should be enough to post a summary, but the results are actually coming out more or less like i said they would, relative to a reasonable margin.

biden's one big county is at 98%. all of the remaining results are in areas where he did poorly.

so, are there enough ccds left to pull biden down under 20 and buttigieg up over 15? i want to wait to see.

it does, however, seem clear enough that buttigieg will miss viability in clark county, and that is a blow to his campaign. you wonder, though. as mentioned, you expect a little cheating in clark county. if buttigieg ends up missing viability by 2-3 points, and biden's numbers seem inflated by that much....

what the experts will tell you is that nobody really focuses too much on these things because they don't actually really matter, it's almost more of a psychological thing to rile up your opponent. but, there are some elections that have been stolen - like jfk's theft of chicago, or bush' theft of miami. clark county is one of those counties.

let's not forget that the actual winner of the county is sanders, by a good margin.

so, i can bring in these issues to try and salvage my mathematical analyses, and it might be good enough for that reason. but, it doesn't change the outcome.

i don't think that biden should be particularly impressed by coming in a distant second in one county. biden lost every single county in nevada, guys. he was only even viable in 2 of 17. that's pretty awful, actually.

but, buttigieg should be particularly concerned, because how different is las vegas to san diego or el paso?

and, sanders should avoid popping any corks until he can break 40% somewhere. he's not winning nevada in the general with 35%.
i'm also broadly disinterested in movements that try to channel hate, regardless of the topic of the hate.
so, these "progressive" movements that push for judaic concepts of retribution tend to leave me cold.
i would support the elimination of the incarceration system, and it's replacement with a system of hospitals, tort rulings and schools.
i believe that the best way to eliminate antisocial behaviour from society is through education and, most importantly, the elimination of competition - not through putting people in jail for breaking the rules that are pushed down by the bourgeoisie.
the intent is to get arrested, to draw attention to the brutality of the state. you're supposed to be indignant.

in context, the argument is kind of weak, even if you're broadly on their side.
on second thought, i'm ok on the quick reinstall.


i don't know who you are or what you want. i know you're reading this. i don't know know why. i suspect i've been drugged in public recently, as well.

all i want to do is log on to this machine to fix the typos from the last week of posts. i essentially will be doing nothing at all until this project is completed.

i appear to be powerless to stop you. that does not make me feel subservient to you, but rather makes me hate you, and makes me want to defy you even more. there is no logic in oppression - oppressed people never love their controllers, and i will never love you, i will merely hate you more and more and more and more.

so, you can sit there and knock me offline, apparently at will, if you want.

but, i'm just going to reinstall over and over and over and over again until i get done what i'm doing.
yeah, that lasted seconds before it shut off. they seem to have gone after my boot sector, again, meaning i'm going to need to do a full reinstall, this time.

i will need to get the chip out at the hardware level to really get this out and i don't know how to do that.

but, i need to clean this blog up from that machine, so we're going to do this over and over again until i'm done, which might get very frustrating, but is necessary. 

this chromebook is simply not intended for local use and never will be used for that reason.
so, i just activated a machine with a disabled network card, no "network connections" service (or other services) running, no installed network adapters....


either this is operating at like a bios level, or i've tricked myself into thinking it's connecting, when it's actually rebuilding something locally.

it sort of doesn't matter just right now, but it's very weird. it's telling me that it's connecting remotely - either it's lying, or the connection is essentially impossible for me to get at, with the the broken backlit screen, and my subsequent inability to get into the bios. maybe that's why that happened...?

also, the weird remote access drivers have mysteriously disappeared.

i'm left with no greater faith in the sanctity of the situation, but i have to carry on, for now.

let's hope i can get this cleaned up in a few hours.
it seems like the coronavirus is reducing air travel, which means less emissions. score.

but, what's going on seems to be rather absurd; they're quarantining people for weeks over the flu.

it makes you wonder what's really going on.