Monday, November 23, 2015

21/22-11-2015: daydreaming...

tracks worked on in this vlog:

so, when some dumb blonde claims that the only thing important in life is being attractive and nerds are therefore worthless, the response from the geeks is that they can be attractive too, and are therefore not worthless.

this is why i hate geeks. they're just failed jocks.

a nerd would argue that your worth is not determined by your appearance.

this guy is worse than fucking summers. where do you find these guys? the dolph lundgren school for useful idiots?

you don't even get a crocodile tear when he enthusiastically announces that anything resembling a fiscal union is an impossibility in the medium term. he can only barely hide his glee when he announces that, instead of democratic oversight over the monetary supply, we're to have an unelected central banking oligopoly that is entirely shielded from any sort of accountability.

"it's ok, europe. you didn't want political oversight over the banking sector, anyways. you wanted cultural autonomy. how about that local sports team, anyways?"

then, after boldly declaring that the new europe is to be run by an unaccountable system of centralized bankers, thereby confirming every conspiracy theorists' rambling ever, he transitions by claiming that this can't all be about banking regulations. they need some space to breathe, too. and launder.

the nerve of this guy! the fucking nerve!

and you wonder why half the eurozone is on the brink of anarchism?

these guys don't even pretend to give a fuck.