Thursday, May 10, 2018
the word "swagger", as used by our prime minister, is unclear in it's intent.

i'm going to hope he meant to use it in the way i would use the word flair rather than in what is also a 50s greaser film context, as a term to denote male sexual dominance.

because i would actually be uncomfortable with the prime minister telling the country to strut. that would be some rather stupid patriarchal heteronormative macho bullshit, wouldn't it? and, while i don't know what he's feeling, you don't hear him talk like that...ever.

he almost certainly meant flair.

he just may want to work on his vocabulary, a little.
"man up" is an anachronism. it's not something you expect people to say in the twenty-first century, it's something out of a 1950s greaser film - and it upholds outdated concepts of masculinity that are less offensive and more just absurdly outdated.

it's hard to get upset, because it's more comically absurd than offensive. it's like telling a woman to go back to the kitchen - you just laugh, it's ridiculous.

so, this guy is stuck in the twentieth century and doesn't belong on council. clearly.

but, that said, we can't have people hovering over our elected officials and firing them for being douche bags. you just vote this dipshit out.

and if you're feeling cheeky you can tell him to man up to his behaviour.
it's not about europe standing up to trump on iran.

what it's about is europe moving in lockstep with china on iran. this is the cost-benefit analysis for europe: do they want to move with china (and russia...) on this, or with america?

i'm not privy to careful accounting numbers. but, it is intuitively obvious that europe is better off following china.

and, what trump is really doing with this is foolishly handing over power to beijing.

that's a couple of times, now, isn't it?

we might even be able to pull out a pattern: trump's decisions often have beijing as the primary benefactor.
i got my blood taken. almost fainted, and i think he left a bruise. whatever.

seems like a boring weekend here. well, relative to my tastes. and, the weather is not conducive to drunken adventures and/or mindless dancing.

i think i'm staying in....

that will give me the chance to try and get through a good chunk of what's left, and get ready for serious house-hunting on...

...wednesday, actually. just 'cause i have the follow-up on tuesday, and it compartmentalizes that way.

could i get done by tuesday?

well, that depends on how much time i'm forced to waste sleeping.

another day cut-off early due to tiredness caused by second-hand smoke.

i'm going to nap now so i can get up to get to the lab.

these people shouldn't exist. they shouldn't be allowed to exist. they should just disappear.
and, it's another thing, though: why are you so boring that you smoke drugs at the same time every day?

why not be a little more spontaneous about it?

it's another thing that takes the fun out of drugs.

fuck schedules.
maybe i should make something clear.

my schedule is erratic. but, generally speaking, 4:20 am is neither the beginning of the day for me, nor is it the end of it.

it's often just a point in the middle of it.

today, i want to be awake all morning and go to an appointment around noon.

i do not want to be stoned.

i do not want to go to sleep.

at all.
recognizing this is a key part of the narrative i'll reconstruct.
how do you fix this?

you run run-offs: you force people to pull out if they can't get to a certain threshold.
the reason trump's approval rating is so low is of course that most republicans didn't have him as a first or even second choice, either.

it's what happens when weak candidates won't pull out.